CPA 2 Website Access

Sold Out Forums Community CPA 2 Website Access

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by Colleen Reichert.
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  • #1525

    Hi, until this last week, I was able to get into the CPA 2 members area – but now I can no longer do that.  I was going through the Task 3 Video on CPA  3 and it referred me to another video that resides on CPA 2 and I wasn’t able to access it.  Also, I would like to be able to access the community pages on CPA 2.  Is there someway to get into CPA2 that I am missing?

    Support Staff

    Hi Colleen,
    All the materials available on the old CPAE2 members area are now available here.
    If you let me know what video you’re looking for (or the topic of the video) I may be able to help you find it.
    Normally, videos that are not directly associated with a module are under the “Resources” section in the “Webinars” or “Training videos & tutorials” subsections.
    Regarding access the CPAE2 members area, it’s no longer possible as it’s been deactivated.
    In the end of Novemeber we put a notice there telling people that any information from the community or comments that they considered to be relevant should be saved within the next 30 days as the old area would be taken down and we wouldn’t be able to migrate those comments due to the different structure of the platforms.
    In the beginning of January the old members area was permanently taken down.
    I apologize if this is an inconvenience for you, but if you let me know what materials specifically you’re having trouble to find in the new area I’ll be glad to assist you!

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