Facebook as it stands today

Sold Out Forums Community Facebook as it stands today

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  • #1535
    Paden Georgitso

    Hey William!
    First off, I wanted to say I’m really enjoying the new site. Great job with the new platform!
    I am curious, what are your thoughts around Facebook today? With everything going on with Apple and Facebook’s issues regarding privacy (and even politics) do you have any concerns or have you encountered any issues with iOS devices yet? Thanks for all of your help as always!

    Support Staff

    HI Paden,
    Facebook continues to have over 2 billion active users, so it remains as one of the biggest ad platforms for marketers and agencies.
    I have noticed any major difference yet, but any difference that happens will happen to all the advertisers, so won’t make the platform more difficult to use or more competitive.
    If I notice majro changes that require a different approach/process for running campaigns, I’ll make sure to post an update here asap!

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