Task 6: Create your landing pages

On this video you will learn how to create high converting landing pages for your Facebook campaigns.

The landing page is your page that people will be sent to after they click the ad.

Often times, students ask me why it’s important to have this intermediate page that people see before they go to the offer… after all, isn’t that just an additional step that makes the process longer?

The fact is that the landing page is a crucial element of the process, because it’s on the landing page that you actually convince people to take the offer.

Usually, CPA offers are promoted by many affiliates and to many different audiences.

Therefore, the offer’s page is normally a general registration page that doesn’t talk to a specific audience.

Not talking to the audience and not giving them a (or a few) very good reason for taking the offer will most likely not generate the conversion, simply because people don’t fill out forms on the internet randomly and for no reason!

It’s your task as the affiliate/publisher to convince your audience to take the offer.

You know who you’re targeting, what they like and what they desperately want.

Use that on your landing page.

Give people relevant reasons for taking the offer and convince them that it will help them with the specific problem that they’re facing.

Then, just send them to the registration page (actual CPA offer) to fill out the form and get access to the product or service.

If you create efficient landing pages, you’ll dramatically increase the conversion rate of your campaigns!

If you want a more detailed explanation on that, you can check out the recording of a live training session we had on that topic some time ago. Just click here.

Ok, but how to create efficient landing pages?

That’s what the video below will show you!

You’ll learn how to create simple, straight-to-the-point landing pages that convince people to take offers (and make you money!).

Also, you don’t need to worry about domains, hosting or external tools for building landing pages.

You have all of that at your disposal with CPA Tools!

You can access the software here.

If you’re still not familiar with Smart Landers and would like to learn how to use it, just check out the tutorials on the dashboard of the software (you’ll see the dashboard right after you access Smart Landers).

Important: Smart Landers 2.0 has templates with different features. Each template has tags indicating its features. A green tag means that the template has the feature, while a grey tag means that it doesn’t have the feature. At this point, you should NOT use templates that have the ‘opt-in’ feature. Those templates are for integrating with autoresponders and capturing emails, which is not what you’ll be doing at this point.

Ok, now watch the video and learn how to build killer landing pages!

Your task: create a landing page for promoting your offer (ideally, use Smart Landers).

Here are other videos about landing pages that can be useful for you: video 1video 2