Media Buying

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  • #1607
    fred damaia

    My supervisor prefers that I should begin with Media buying platforms first instead of Social ads. 
    What media buying sites should I sign up for- how do I sign up for them and get started, are they different than signing up for the CPA networks mentioned in the “Got $200” training modules? what are the differences between CPA networks and media buying platforms?  Do the media buying platforms also conduct phone interviews? If so, do they ask the same kind of questions? 

    Support Staff

    Hi Fred,
    Who exactly is your supervisor? Is this person a coach or mentor?
    For best results, I suggest that the students follow the program in the order it is presented to them.
    Inside CPA Evoluton, I can be your coach and assist you with implementing the program in the best way possible. I can’t guarantee any results if you’ll be implementing my program under someone else’s guidance.
    That said, if you’d rather not to start with social (which is the easiest and, usually, the fastest start), the next best alternative is Outbrain.
    You can learn more about it in the “native Advertising” module (it’s under “Advanced Modules”).
    Let me know if this is somehting you’d like to do and I’ll do my best to assist you in the process!

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