Task 8: Set up your campaign

Here you will learn how to set up your campaigns on facebook to start getting traffic and collecting data for the optimization process.

Finally! It’s time for you to set up a campaign on Facebook and start driving traffic to your landing page and offer.

The video below will show you how to go through the Facebook set up process and get a campaign up and running.

Facebook has been making constant changes on their interface, so you may notice some small differences between the video and your ads manager, but those aren’t things that will affect your campaign.

Start with the “Traffic” (former “Website Clicks”) objective and get some ads set up.

When you start getting traffic and feel that you need help analyzing and optimizing the campaign, don’t hesitate to use the Campaign Analyzer, which can be found under “Support”.

Also, don’t forget to check out the Facebook ad policies and respect them to ensure that you don’t get into trouble!

Important: Never target more than one country or device type (mobile, desktop) with the same ad set. Different countries and devices may have a different performance and mixing them up will make it a lot harder to optimize the campaign. Start with one device type and one country. If the campaign does well, you can test others in the future.

Your task: Set up a campaign with a few ads.