Task 4: Creating videos

Here you will learn a simple way to create your videos without buying expensive tools or spending a lot of time.

This video will teach you how to create videos.

What you’re supposed to do is very simple…

By now you should have a list of keywords and videos to target, so what you have to do is to start creating a videos for them… one video for each keyword, one video for each target video.

Ideally, you should create 1 or 2 videos a day. Maybe it won’t be easy in the beginning, but as soon as you create a few videos and get familiar with the process it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Keep doing this (creating at least one video a day) and soon you’ll have a bunch of videos up and commissions coming.

Not all your videos will rank and get traffic.

Many videos won’t get any traffic, some will get some traffic and a few will get a lot of traffic.

Important: Use landing pages

It’s highly advisable that you use landing pages as it will increase your conversion rate and also help you avoid account bans on YouTube.

Creating landing pages is easy. You don’t need other tools, you can use Smart Landers which is part of your CPA Evolution 2.0 membership.

Here is a video that talks about how to create efficient landing pages.

After you create one landing page for each offer that you want to promote, you should promote not the offer directly, but the landing page in your video.

You can include a link to the landing page in the video itself as well as in the description of the video.

Here’s the flow:

People watch the video and click the link -> people go to the landing page, get excited about the offer and click the link on the page -> people go to the offer, complete it and you get the commission

Your task: create at least one video a day for the keywords and popular videos in your lists. Keep doing it for a few days and you’ll see that you’ll start to get traffic and conversions. If you need help, don’t hesitate to use the support!

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