Other ad platforms that are not Facebook or Google

Sold Out Forums Community Other ad platforms that are not Facebook or Google

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  • #2507

    Please provide a listing of other ad networks (not Facebook or Google) where I can purchase display ads.
    If possible, please list with best ones first

    Support Staff

    Hi Sterling,
    You’ll find many other ad platforms that I recommend under the “Advanced Modules” section.
    For someone who’s getting started, I think Outbrain can be a nice alternative, but you’ll find other options there as well.
    Then, let me know which one you’d like to start with and I’ll assist you with the campaigns!

    Ludmila Muravjova

    Would like to learn Bing/Microsoft ads. any help please?

    Ludmila Muravjova

    Would like to learn Bing/Microsoft ads. any help please?

    Support Staff

    Hi Ludmila,
    Bing is not a great traffic source for CPA (and affiliate marketing in general nowadays). It had it’s good days about 10 years ago, but nowadays there are much better options both in terms of providing an easier start as well as having more earnings potential.
    But do send me a private support ticket (support section) and I’ll help you start some Bing campaigns or find a better traffic source, if you’re open to that.
    P.S.: Bing doesn’t have a module in this program, but I can assist you 1-on-1 with the campaigns.

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