Max bounty Inactive Account

Sold Out Forums Community Max bounty Inactive Account

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  • #2782
    Paden Georgitso

    I recently got a new job that allows me to focus on creating and growing a CPA marketing business. I went to try and login to my Max Bounty Account and it said it could not find an account with my credentials. It’s been some time since I tried to login, so it was likely deactivated due to inactivity. It won’t let me sign up with the same email. Has anyone ever experienced this? And if you have, were you able to get the same account re-activated?

    Support Staff

    Hi Paden,
    It’s possible to contact them and get the account reactivated, but, honestly, it may be easier just to use another email address and apply for a new account. They’re normally faster reviewing new applications than reactivating old accounts.

    Paden Georgitso

    Hello William,
    Thank you for your help. I’ve gone ahead and submitted a new application. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly!


    Paden, did you get it?

    Paden Georgitso

    I did. Very smooth even for the second time. 

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