Facebook no longer offers affinity scores

Sold Out Forums Community Facebook no longer offers affinity scores

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  • #2999
    Marisa Drake

    I just finished watching Jay Garce’s FB Ads angle videos, I’m wondering – Since FB has removed Affinity scores from the data they provide, what is the best way to research your target audience without being able to access Affinity scores? 

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    That’s a good question!
    In fact, that lesson will be uodated within the next 30 days to reflect the new audience insights interface.
    But i’ll be happy to assist you here in the meantime.
    You can access audience insights here:
    Then, make sure that you use these options:
    When you click to filter the audience, you’ll be able to add some demographics, location and, most importantly, interests. Add interests that are relevant for the offer you’ll be promoting and then scroll down to the “Top pages” section.
    If you add just few interests, you’ll see only some general stuff there such as “Amazon”, simply because many people in the US like Amazon and it will be considered somehow related to almost any other interest.
    However, as you add more interests, you’ll start to see some relevant pages there that can help you come up with potential audiences and more interests to target.
    The way Facebook ranks those top pages is pretty much in the same way they used to apply the affinity metric.
    Hope it helps!

    Marisa Drake

    Ok, what you outlined is what I had seen other videos on FB ads do, so glad I’m on the right track!  Looking forward to the updated lesson in the next 30 days!  Thank you William!

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