Having a hard time coming up with angles for Gift Card and Survey Offers

Sold Out Forums Community Having a hard time coming up with angles for Gift Card and Survey Offers

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  • #3026
    Marisa Drake

    Most of the campaigns MaxBounty is allowing me to run are surveys and gift cards.  Perhaps I’m biased against surveys because I feel most of them are scammy and don’t really pay much to make it worth anyone’s time, so I’m having a difficult time coming up with good angles for surveys. 
    Even gift cards are scammy because most require completion of purchases – am I overthinking this? 
    As for gift card angles, I know it depends on the type of gift cards.  Example: Baby items gift cards – I know we need to find problems and offer benefits/solutions.  Would that be something like “budgeting is hard when inflation is sky high…complete a survey to get you a gift card?”

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    You’ll eventually stumble some scammers on CPA networks, Clickbank, Amazon… unfortunstely, they exist everywhere.
    However, the vast majority of the offers on the top companies are legit.
    Of course, many offers will have requirements for a prize. Some smaller prizes don’t have purchase requirements, but many do.
    No company or individual will be giving away hundreds of Playstations 5 or $1,000 gift cards for nothing. The interesting thing is that many of those offers will have purchase requirements that are less expensive than what they’re giving away. For example, one may qualify for a $1,000 gift card by spending $300 on other items. And they have many options, so many peole find things that they’re interested in buying and they get 2x or 3x their investment back with a gift card.
    Merchants are willing to pay more than they make with an initial purchase for the chance to get a new customer, so that’s how this math is possible.
    I don’t see this model as a scam and nor does the law in most countries as this business model is perfectly legal.
    As a personal opinion, I don’t think it is unethical either.
    Regarding survey sites, they normally pay per survey or other similar activities. It’s not a lot of money, of course, but many people do it during their spare time and get a few hundred extra dollars per month and win some other rewards as well (free subscriptions, product samples, etc).
    I don’t think that’s a scammy model either and it’s certainly not ilegal in most places.
    I’m not sure if you have been a customer for a survey website or registered for a freebie offer in the past and had a bad experience, but there are many legit companies that create this type of offer and make money with them.
    Regarding the angle part, I understand that this can be a bit tricky the first time you’re doing it, but as you get used to the process it becomes very easy. You’ll actually start to come up with angles instantly after looking at some offers.
    In fact, your example for baby products isn’t bad.
    The angle is a benefit of your offer that can be very relevant for a specific audience.
    For example, if you target moms who are in a financial situation that’s not very comfortable and perhaps who are staying at home (unemployed) to take care of their babies, they might be benefit from a a chance to win baby product samples.
    Women who are in their first pregnancy and looking to learn more about new baby products might also be happy to test some great products without having to pay for them.
    You can submit your first campaigns for review before actually running them. I’ll then review them and help you with improving angle and copy.

    Marisa Drake

    Ok, your thorough explanation makes me feel better about running these types of campaigns. William, I just wanted to let you know I’m quite impressed with your level of support and I know I’ve made the right decision in investing in your course.  You’ve already analyzed one of my campaigns – However, MaxBounty didn’t approve me which is probably a blessing in disguise after getting your feedback on the campaign. 🙂
    I will start putting together other campaigns and send them over for your analysis.  Your analysis is invaluable to a newbie like me.  Thank you for  all your help!

    Support Staff

    Thank you, Marisa!
    It’s great to know that you’re enjoying the program and support.
    I have received your new campaign and will get back to you asap!

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