Sample Landing Pages

Sold Out Forums Community Sample Landing Pages

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  • #3031
    Marisa Drake

    Is it ok for us to test the sample landing pages provided by MaxBounty campaigns so that we can see what the user experience is like?  William mentioned that it’s a good idea to let the user know what to expect so there will be less hesitation to submit their info. 
    Here’s screenshot of what I’m referring to:

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    Those are previews of the offer’s page. Your affiliate link will point to those pages (some offers allow the affiliate to use different variations of the page by passing a parameter via the URL).
    When I talk about landing pages in the lessons here, I’m usually referring to the intermediate page that you create.
    Ad -> Your intermediate page -> Offer’s page
    This is the flow I recommend for most methods in the program.
    By having your own landing pages you:
    * Protect your advertising acocunts – Most CPA networks have blacklisted domains as tons of affiliates use those domains and not always in a lega/ethical way. When you use your landing page, you submit a different domain with your ads. On Facebook, for example, trying to direct link would most likely lead to a ban. So, your landing pages protect your account.
    * Increase conversions – most CPA offers receive traffic from many affiliates who use different angles, traffic sources, ads, landing pages, etc. Therefore, the offers need to have very general pages that work only as registration pages. Specific information there could make the pages a bad fit for some of the traffic and limit what the affiliates can do when promoting them. For example, if a survey offer says on its page that it’s great for retirees, other affiliates targeting different audiences such as unemplyed people or college students wouldn’t be able to send their traffic to that page. Another good analogy is comparing landing page and offer with sales page and checkout page. If you get an email for buying an internet marketing course and, after clicking the link, go directly to the Paypal checkout, would you be likely to buy? Probably not. But, if instead of sending you directly to Paypal, the seller decided to send you to a sales page that would explain to you why you need the course, his chances of getting the conversion would increase. It’s the same with CPA offers, but, because they require simple actions to convert, we can use simple landing pages instead of long sales pages.
    I hope it helps!

    Marisa Drake

    Hi William,
    I am using a landing page generated by CPA Evolution software and I understand protecting our account.  What I was actually asking is can we submit “test” email on the sample offer page provided by MaxBounty so that we know what users may see AFTER they submit their info.  For example:  after they submit their email, they may be directed to different offers they will need to choose to qualify for the gift card.  You mentioned in your video that it may be a good idea to put that on our “intermediate page” to provide some comfort level for people to enter their email on the Offer’s page. I hope this made sense. 

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    Yes, you can, but use the sample link and not your actual affiliate link. This way, it won’t look like you’re trying to submit a fake lead to earn commissions.

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    Yes, you can do it. I suggest that you use those sample/preview links for doing it and not your own affiliate link. This way, it won’t look like you’re trying to generate fake leads for commissions.

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