Facebook Asks for Govt ID cards

Sold Out Forums Community Facebook Asks for Govt ID cards

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  • #3146
    Gaurab Das


    Many a times FB asks for Govt ID cards in India for validating the ad accounts and its not possible to get multiple Govt ID cards.

    Also How do you manage different credit cards ……I have used multiple credit cards and many of my accounts are banned .

    Each time I get a credit card issued in India, the credit rating goes down and now it getting into a level of very low credit rating.

    Rest Different IP and addresses can be managed but different govt IDs and different payment instruments are next to impossible to manage.

    I also use to buy accounts from Dont.farm but they closed off now and i guess those were stolen account and are very very risky to use.

    Can anyone share what they are doing for getting new FB accounts?

    Support Staff

    Hi Gaurab,
    Getting new Facebook accounts regularly shouldn’t be part of the process with the methods in this program.
    Of course, an account ban may happen eventually and it’s not possible to guarantee that it will never occur. However, it shouldn’t be a recurring situation.
    That said, when creating a new account using the same document for verification isn’t a problem. Facebook doesn’t keep the documents on their database. Therefore, it’s possible to verify more accounts with the same documents.
    Credit cards are different. But not always that will be a factor for banning a new account.
    Same IP addresses, similar campaigns and behaviors and other similar aspects tend to be more relevant.
    Email address and phone number are important as well.

    Gaurab Das

    OK I have two facebook accounts….Ill try using the same govt id when asked for validating.

    One more question is Can i use email ids from the same domain to make different facebook accounts

    For example :   name1@domainname.com   , name2@domainname.com 

    In many cases my FB ad account got banned without any reasons just after opening the account….I couldnt understand why ?

    I m keeping myself ready so that I can make a different account when needed.

    Support Staff

    Hi Gaurab,
    Using the same custom domain may be not a good idea.
    And if the account got banned right after you created it, it means FB was able to link it to the previously banned one. Normally, it happens because of cookies, IP address, email, phone or even credit card.

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