Mobile offers and strategies?

Sold Out Forums Community Mobile offers and strategies?

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  • #3733
    Charles Johnson

    I joined because of the mobile presentation William Souza made.
    But the video training on mobile and the offers that convert
    seem to be pretty limited. What am I missing?
    Where are the proven recent mobile strategies?

    Support Staff

    Hi Charles,
    We have training on many platforms that you can use for running obile ads such as Taboola, Outbrain, AirNowMedia and others.
    However, keep in mind that the program is based on 1-on-1 coaching.
    When you’re ready to get started, submit a request in the support section and I’ll personally assist you with selecting a traffic source and creating your first campaign. We will do it together and you’ll learn exactly how to create, optimize and scale your campaigns!

    Charles Johnson

    I’m ready. Tell me what my next step is to guide me to profitability.

    Support Staff

    I absolutely will!
    However, this type of guidance is via the support section and not the community. Please, send me a ticket there and I’ll help you get started!

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