CPA Landers URLs and Facebook

Sold Out Forums Community CPA Landers URLs and Facebook

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by Kenneth Croushore.
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  • #3778

    Hi all,
    I’m new to CPA marketing, but not affiliate marketing in general nor to Facebook ads.
    I’m having trouble getting an ad approved and all I get is vague blocked notice about security.
    I think it has to do with Facebook not liking the CPA Landers URL I’m using since I tested it and the error came up once I input the URL.
    Anyone have trouble with this or know of a work around?


    That is, short of downloading and hosting my own page with my own domain.


    Problem fixed…Facebook didn’t like the CPA Landers domain “”   I chose another lander template and the ad is now active.

    Support Staff

    Hi Kenneth,
    Thanks for sharing. We are always monitoring domains and removing the ones that get blacklisted. It doesn’t happen often, but it does sometimes.
    I’ll ask the tech team to replace the domain you mentioned asap.


    You bet!  I’m on my second ad campaign now.  First one went down in flames…hahah, but I knew within 13 clicks it was a major loser, the CTR from impressions to ad was atrocious.  I tweaked the image, ad text and I’ll be watching the other metrics.

    Support Staff

    Hi Kenneth,
    Submit your campaigns for review (you’ll find instructions to request a campaign analysis in the support section) and I’ll help you with the optimization.
    Keep in mind that the vast majority of the campaigns don’t turn a profit right out of the gate, we need to optimize them first.

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