Link Offer and Link Smart Clicks

Sold Out Forums Community Link Offer and Link Smart Clicks

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by Kenneth Croushore.
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  • #3792

    In my reports section of MaxBounty, I’m seeing twice as many clicks for the Link Smart link than the Link Offer.  I’m confused why this would be since the Link Smart is shown after the Link Offer.  
    Any insights?

    Support Staff

    Hi Kenneth,
    There are a few possible reasons… Normally, it’s because some of the clicks are not waiting for the main page to load. It can happen if the traffic source is inspecting your links with their bots or if the link is taking too long to load for the users.
    I suggest that you check loading time (if you use a proxy or VPN, bare in mind that it will naturally be 30% – 50% slower than with a regular connection) and see if all the clicks are counting as link clicks on your traffic source (if not, it can confirm that it’s their bots/crawlers).


    OK thanks, William.
    This is the only campaign I have running now so once I’ve got some solid answers to the campaign analysis questions, we can tackle this issue too.

    Support Staff

    I’ll bre replying to your analysis request asap!


    You already did, thanks!

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