Real Estate Agent Marketing and special ad category

Sold Out Forums Community Real Estate Agent Marketing and special ad category

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    I’m wondering if anyone sells services to realtors. I do and my ads never get approved unless I use the special category Housing. By doing that it takes away all my targeting and only lets me choose interests. I’m just wondering if I’m missing something or a  way that I don’t have to use the special category. Thank you!

    Support Staff

    Hi Timothy,
    Here FB describes all the ads that fall in the housing special category:

    If your ad fits any of them, there’s not a way around it.
    If not, it may be a matter of rewording the ad.
    Send me support request with your images and copy and I’ll help you with this!


    Awesome, thank you! I even spoke to a FB support member and he couldn’t give me any information why my ads would run.


    HI Timothy – if you approach it as leads for agents, I could see why this would not run and you have to use housing.  Real estate is highly regulated, each state requires licensing for agents.  I believe the same goes for selling leads – you must be a licensed agent to sell real estate leads to other agents.  


    Hi Kenneth,
    Thank you! I actually am a licensed agent in Oregon and this niche is so hard. I get amazing results for buyer an seller leads but struggle trying to get real estate agent an broker leads.


    Hey Timothy…call me Ted…
    I have some ideas of how to break into this. Let’s chat about it. 
    Send me your gmail address and we can Gchat. Real estate lead gen is WIDE open but I’m not a licensed agent but I’ve been looking for one.


    I’ve got to run show a lot but I’ll be good in about an hour. My email is


    Let’s touch base tomorrow.  I have some ideas.


    Sounds good, early afternoon works best for me and I’m in the PST time zone. Thank you!

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