How much Ad Spend before optimization?

Sold Out Forums Community How much Ad Spend before optimization?

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  • #4102
    Stephen Geuder

    Hey all, new here. Been in CPA world a few months but first time running FB traffic. 

    How much should you let an ad spend before doing your first round of optimization? I assume there’s a certain amount of spend required before you can have accurate data. Thanks! 

    Support Staff

    Hi Stephen,
    You can evaluate an ad’s performance (CTR, quality ranking) after 1,500 – 2,000 impressions. So, when your ads reach that point you can already start optmizing them.
    For landers, 25 – 30 clicks (if you’re promoting free lead gen offers) is alredy enough for the first changes.

    Stephen Geuder

    Great! That’s Simple Enough. Thanks William

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