Are there any OTS training other than Gaming?

Sold Out Forums Community Are there any OTS training other than Gaming?

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  • #4141
    Paul Saenz

    Hi, I’m watching the OTS videos for gaming, but I don’t want to do CPA marketing for gaming. I know that it is easier to succeed in CPA marketing for starters with gaming, but gaming, in my opinion is a waste of time. If someone else wants to promote gaming, I have no problem with that, but, personally, I want to promote things that really can help people. So I want to do things like health related or business opportunity offers. Are there any OTS type videos in CPA Evolution that show examples of how to do other types of offers besides gaming?

    Support Staff

    Hi Paul,
    You can promote offers in anu niche. I had to pick an offer for the OTS example and it was a gaming offer, but it could’ve been an offer in a different niche… health, BizOpp, survey, insurance, etc.
    So, yes, you can promote business related offers.
    The process is the same for any niche: pick an offer, find an angle, create a lander and start testing ads.
    If you send me a support request with more details on the offers you’d like to promote and the CPA networks you’ve joined, I’ll assist you with the next steps.

    Paul Saenz

    Thanks. Yes I realize that the process is basically the same for every niche. My question was more out of curiosity if there were any other OTSs outside of gaming.
    I don’t want to put you to work, because I know you are already working to the fullest capacity, but if you ever do consider doing any other type of OTS, 3 of those 4 offer types you mention above, health, BizOpp and survey seem like really good offer types to demo.
    But don’t get me wrong. I know your working to full capacity, and CPA Evolution is phenomenal. There is so much to learn in here. In my opinion it’s worth 10 times what you charge for it. It’s incredible.
    Thanks so much

    Support Staff

    Thank you for your kind words, Paul!
    My team and I have a to-do list for the program and we have OTS case studies in that list already. It’s a perfectly valid request and we will get new OTS case studies done soon.
    At the moment, we’re almost done with a new native ads trainings. Next, we intend to release a TikTok module. We’re also working on a third software for the CPA Tools suite for providing accurate campaign analysis.
    These things will probably be released first, but the new OTS case studies will come right after.
    Although not in OTS format, here are 2 other case studies that may be useful for you:


    Also, don’t hesitate to use the support section if you need helping creating your campaigns!

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