Facebook Advertising Account Verifications

Sold Out Forums Community Facebook Advertising Account Verifications

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  • #4213
    John Tafelski

    I thought I was all set up to get started with Facebook ads, and even placed my credit card on file last week.  But as soon as I tried to set up a campaign my account was marked as “Restricted”, which it said was due to not verifying my identity. (Which it had not asked me to do before.)  So I verified my phone and email address, uploaded a picture and my driver’s license.  Now it says I may have to wait up to 48 hours for them to verify my details.  Is this normal?  I’ve used the same Facebook account itself for over ten years, but I guess that doesn’t count for anything.

    Support Staff

    Hi John,
    This is absolutely normal.
    Selling dated FB accounts is a common black-hat practice and, therefore, Facebook tends to verify accounts that start to advertise on their platform.
    This not an account ban, it’s just a verification process that normally takes 24h – 48h.

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