Producing the Angle vs the Offer first?

Sold Out Forums Community Producing the Angle vs the Offer first?

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  • #4216
    Herb Russell

    I’m new so have No idea of the volume & diversity of available Offers there are to promote. For me it’s really hard to come up with an angle if I’m constantly worried that I’m wasting my time if can’t find a good low barrier offer afterwards.
    With my limited experience It seems like finding the right Angle is harder so longer. But if you find a really good offer in a niche of choice then you research to find out if the company has an advantage they have over their competition can exploit then you have both your Angle/ target audience for the offer.
    Should I expect that if I first create a Angle I will always find a Good offer I can promote? Are there so many good offers available that we can Always find one to fit our Angle? Or do you just except that chance as part of how things go?
    Would love to get anyone to share their thoughts.

    John Tafelski

    Hi Herb,
    I’m brand new at this too, so I probably shouldn’t even be jumping in to answer anybody else’s questions yet! Lol  But for what it’s worth, I think the best way is to get approved by at least one or two CPA networks first so you can see all the stuff to promote that you’ll have to choose from. (Using the tips that Wiliam offers in the videos, like looking for SOI single opt in offers, etc.)  Then you can decide on an angle to base your ads and landing pages on for that offer.  There are tons of things to promote on the network I got approved by, which is MaxBounty, so I just plan to start with them and then apply to a few others later after I can honestly say I have some experience at doing this. But MaxBounty has so many that I can hardly find time to look at them all anyway, so there’s plenty to choose from even just from them..
    Hope this helps, and good luck with getting your own first campaign set up, which is what I’m working on now too!

    Herb Russell

    Thanks for taking the time to give me your opinion it’s much appreciated. Being detailed in your answer helps answer other questions and concerns I’ve had as well. I haven’t gotten to the part about applying to networks yet but sounds like Maxbounty might be a great first choice?

    Support Staff

    Thank you, @John!
    @Herb – The best way to proceed is to join one or two CPA networks, choose a traffic source and then choose a suitable offer to promote. Once you have the offer, you can then make some research about it and come up with a nice angle.
    I can help you with all those steps.
    Start by applying for accounts with the companies listed here:

    After that, submit a support ticket and keep me posted on your progress. I’ll help you with the applications as well as with creating the first campaigns!

    Herb Russell

    thank you for reaching out and it’s great to know you are a man of your word when it comes helping members succeed! I’ve already started studying the the material to prepare for questions I might be asked. I will be ready to fill out applications tomorrow, should i have you look at them before i submit? I don’t think I’ll have any problems submitting since you are so detailed in your instructions but will if you think it’s best.
    Also it mentions in the guide that i should pick a blueprint so i can answer detailed questions about the type of offers i plan to, do you have a link for that or tell me where to go find? Thanks again for reaching out and so quickly! 

    Support Staff

    Hi Herb,
    Yes, sure, feel free to submit a support ticket with your applications and I’ll give you my feedback.
    And you can check the module on Facebook ads or native ads, both are nice starting points. Just watch one of the two and you’ll be ready to answer any questions!

    Herb Russell

    Yay! Finally got the interview phone call & approval with MaxBounty! William I sent over in a support ticket info on a offer with some of the targeting and ad copy. Was hoping you could take a look when you get a chance. I literally had to take the day off from work to make sure I reached my affiliate manager for the interview.
    thanks in advance

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