Facebook PPE Hack for Cheap Website Traffic

Sold Out Forums Community Facebook PPE Hack for Cheap Website Traffic

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by Jean-Pierre Brault.
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  • #4388
    Jean-Pierre Brault

    In the facebook ads basic optimization video Jay talks about a Page Post Engagement Ad strategy to get cheaper link clicks than using the Traffic objective, but I never saw any training on that. Does anyone know where I can find the detailed training on that strategy?

    Support Staff

    Yes, that can be tested with some campaigns. It doesn’t work every time, but it can be worth testring with campaigns that are doing well, just struggling with a high CPC.
    In short, you put a link to your landing page in the ad copy and run an engagement (not traffic) ad. This way, you’ll pay for every engagement on the ad. It will be just pennies per engagement, but you’ll be paying for any engagement such as likes, clicks to the fan page, comments, link clicks, etc. In some cases, if you have a very high CTR, it may end up being cheaper than paying a higher amount per click.

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