Task 3: Prepare your ad account


Now, you’ll prepare your Meta Ads account to start running CPA campaigns on Facebook.


If you’re going to run your first campaign with CPA Evolution using Meta Ads (Facebook), there are 3 possible situations for you at this point:

1 – You’ve never run a Meta Ads campaign and may not even have an account there

2 – You’ve run ad campaigns with Meta before and have an active ad account (even if you haven’t used it in a while)

3 – You’ve been banned and no longer have a Meta Ads account

Here’s how to proceed in each situation…

1 – You’ve never run a Meta Ads campaign and may not even have an account there

First thing you’ll need is a personal Facebook account. If you have one, you can use it. If not, create it here.

Don’t worry, no one will see that it’s you running the ads, campaigns will be 100% anonymous.

A personal account is required because every ad or business account on Facebook needs to have an admin, which must be a personal account.

Also, you don’t need to use Facebook regularly.

Important: If you don’t have a registered business, you can use a personal ad account. Make sure to provide your real information and you won’t have problems.

In case you have a registered business and want to use it, after you set up your personal account, you can create a business account here.

Once you finish creating the personal (or business) account, you can then create the ad account here.

2 – You’ve run ad campaigns with Meta before and have an active ad account (even if you haven’t used it in a while)

This is the easiest one.

If you already have a Meta ad account and it’s active (even if you haven’t used it for months or even years), you don’t need to do anything at this point.

3 – You’ve been banned and no longer have a Meta Ads account

A ban doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to advertise with meta again.

It’s always possible to get back to the game, you just need to follow the right steps to set up a new account.

Here you can download a PDF guide that shows the exact steps to set up a new Meta Ads account after a ban.

The PDF also shows how to avoid future bans, so make sure to read it carefully.


No complementary training is necessary for this task.


Choose one of the 3 options above and get your Meta Ads account ready for the next lessons.

Once you’re done, CLICK HERE to go to the next task.