Task 9: Test and optimize


Here you’ll learn how to turn your campaign into a winner by properly optimizing it.


No campaigns starts off with a positive ROI. No campaigns.

Understand that you’ll not make money before optimizing your campaign and prevent yourself from feeling frustrated after your first campaign test/run.

All campaigns require optimization before they become profitable.

We don’t find winning campaigns, we build them.

The video below will show you how to properly optimize your Facebook ad campaign.

Practical optimization tips

Below are some simple and practical optimization tips to help you achieve better results with your campaigns.

Campaigns, ad sets and ads – Facebook campaigns have these 3 levels. A campaign can have multiple ads sets and each ad set can have multiple ads. At the campaign level we define the objective (e.g. traffic, leads, engagement, etc). At the ad set level we define the targeting (e.g. location, demographics, interests, etc). At the ad level we define the ad copy and media/creative.

Link Click-Through Rate – This metric is also called of Link Click CTR and it’s important to measure the performance of your ads. Typically, a Link Click CTR above 2.5% (for the Facebook news feed placement) is decent. If your ads are below this number, they’re under performing. In order to find this metric, go to your ads manager and then go to the “Ads” tab. If you don’t see it there, click the button to add more columns and select it. Make sure not to confuse this metric with the “Clicks All (CTR)” metric as they’re not the same.

CPA network data – For checking the total clicks to the offer and conversions, go to your CPA network and generate a report. Ensure that the dates for the Facebook report and the CPA network report match.

Not too fast, not too slow – When promoting free lead generation offers, give it 15 – 20 link clicks to start optimizing it. Then, run another test for the same amount of clicks (approx) and optimize again. Letting a bad campaign run for too long may kill your budget, but making changes too fast can lead to bad decisions.

What’s wrong with my campaign?

Ads with a low CTR – For Facebook mobile news feed (most common placement for a new campaign), we usually aim for a very minimum of 2.5% Link CTR. Ideally more. If your ads are not achieving that, split-test more images and a different ad copy, too. If no effect, try more specific targeting (make sure to use multiple interest levels/fields as shown in the campaign set up video, each level with one type of interest). If you still don’t manage to get a decent CTR and the campaign isn’t converting either after a few tests with more ads and different targeting, consider promoting another offer (or the same offer to a completely different audience).

Landing page generates few clicks to the offer – If you notice that people are clicking the ads, but not clicking-through to the offer (they’re leaving on the landing page), split-test different landing pages. Start with testing very different pages… different template, copy and image. When you find a winner, you can then just tweak it and run small tests to see if you can make it even better. If you test a few different landing page ideas and don’t see an improvement, consider promoting another offer (or the same offer to a completely different audience).

Ads and landing page doing well, offer not converting – In this case, consider split-testing other offers. If you find a very similar offer, simply replace the affiliate link on your landing page and see if the new offer converts better. If you test a few offers and it doesn’t convert, it’s better to move on. Run another campaign targeting a completely different audience.

Common mistakes

Not enough ads – Test multiple ads. If Facebook is giving just a few of your ads impressions, pause them and let the others run.

Bad landing page – Creating a good landing page oftentimes requires some research. Finding similar pages, checking other offers, analyzing what people are saying on social media, etc. Also, using copywriting techniques can be helpful (check the resources section for copywriting lessons).

Wrong offer – It’s a lot easier for a beginner to run campaigns promoting free lead generation offers. Sometimes, people start off with offers that have a high payout and struggle to get results. The reason for that is because a higher payout also means a more complex action that’s required for the conversion to occur. Thus, offers with a higher payout may require more data to be tested. While it’s possible to expect conversions with few clicks when promoting simple offers, more complex offers need more traffic to convert. For this reason, 30 clicks to a free lead gen offer is enough to draw some conclusions and start the optimization, but a credit card offer would most likely require 3x to 5x more clicks.

Not optimizing – No, absolutely no campaign starts off with a positive ROI. We don’t simply find winning campaigns, we build them. Don’t expect to make money before you optimize your campaign.

Messy targeting – In the campaign set up lesson, I explain that you should use different interests levels. Make sure to do that in a coherent way. For example, if you want to target parents with a high income and that like sports, use one level for parenting related interests/demographics, another for sports and another for income. Don’t out everything together in the same level.

Facebook Pixel

You don’t need to use your Facebook pixel initially.


No complementary lessons are necessary.


This is the last lesson!

Now, you need to:

1 – Optimize your campaign and see if you can turn a positive ROI with it.

2 – If yes, then gradually increase your daily budget so that you can invest more and earn more (scale the campaign). If not, repeat the process for a new campaign.

On average, 1 out of 3 campaigns turns a profit and can be scaled to 3 or 4 figures a day.

In case your very first campaign doesn’t turn a profit, don’t panic. Just repeat the process for another campaign and you’ll soon have a big winner to scale!