Task 4: Choose a strategy


Here you’ll learn the two strategies you can use for generating video views and, consequently, traffic to your offers.


The video below shows the first strategy.

Strategy 1 summary: you’ll be creating videos that will rank on Google (search) and also on YouTube (search). Make sure to select appropriate keywords using the rules shown in the video so that you’ll succeed in ranking some of your videos.

The video below shows the second strategy.

Strategy 2 summary: You’ll be creating videos that are similar or related to other popular videos on YouTube. This will allow you to have some of your videos listed as suggestions for people who watch those popular videos. Make sure to use all the rules mentioned in the video.

Even though you can use both strategies together, in the beginning it’s advisable that you select one of the two to start with.

There’s no right or wrong choice. Just pick the one you prefer and start creating videos based on it.

Also, not all your videos will succeed in generating traffic.

Many videos will generate little or no traffic at all.

Some videos will generate a reasonable amount of visitors.

A few videos will generate a ton of traffic.

We never know which videos will crush it and and which ones will suck before we publish them. However, if you follow the right process for creating videos and have a solid routine for publishing them (this will be covered later on), you’ll definitely find some winners.

Consistency is always the key!


No complementary training is necessary for this task.


Choose the strategy you’ll be using initially.

Once done, you can CLICK HERE to go to the next task.