Task 2: Create an angle


The angle is one of the most important elements of a successful campaign. Here you’ll learn how to use it efficiently.


Most people don’t know how to come up an angle. This is normal and the video below will show you how to do it.

Watch it carefully and don’t skip this lesson. A campaign without a solid angle has little to no chance of turning a profit.


Angle is not copy.

Elaborating an angle isn’t the same as writing a headline for an ad or landing page.

In fact, the headlines you’ll create will be based on your angle.

An angle is a core benefit of an offer that perfectly suits a specific audience.

For example, if a survey website offers people the chance to get paid for taking surveys, what are some of the core benefits of this offer?

  • It’s a simple way to “trade” time for money
  • It’s a way of making some extra money without having any special skills or knowledge
  • It’s something more rewarding (for doing during spare time) than wasting time on social media

These are some benefits… but who can benefit from them?

Let’s pick the first benefit to elaborate more on it…

Who might be interested in trading time for money?

Perhaps retirees who are in a bad financial situation. They most likely need some extra money and probably have a lot of free time.

On the other hand, a busy business person with a high income wouldn’t be interested in trading time (which is scarce for them) for extra money (they already make a lot more than that).

Another potential audience would be stay-at-home moms. Those moms may be interested in contributing with the household income at the same time that they stay at home taking care of their babies.

After this analysis, we can come up with an angle for the campaign. For example:

Promote the offer to stay-at-home moms and help them feel better as they contribute to the household income and bills.

If this is the angle, then the campaign should target stay-at-home moms and the copy (ads and landing page) should be related to this audience and benefit.

Notice that, in this example, we wouldn’t simply create a random campaign for the survey site telling anyone “hey, sign up here to take surveys and make money”. Instead, we would have a specific audience to target and a specific way for approaching them and making the offer relevant for them.

The survey example above was just that: an example!

You can use the same process to come up with angles for offers in any niche.

You can also research on Google, social media (I like Reddit) or even ask an AI tool to help you come up with benefits for the offer and then find potential audiences that might be interested in those benefits.

Benefit + audience interested in that benefit = angle!


Here’s a video that can help you elaborate killer angles:


Define an angle for promoting your offer. At this point, don’t worry about writing copy for ads or landing pages, just make sure that you have an angle (core benefit for a specific audience) in mind.

Once you’ve decided on the angle, CLICK HERE to go to the next task.