Video Marketing – Tools

Hello CPA Evolutioneers!

A few days ago I just uploaded the first videos to my channel (check the previous update if you missed it) and after that I got a few PMs from members asking me to explain which tools I was using to create the videos.

So, let’s do it!

Well, I am actually using a paid tool for producing the videos. The tools is called Video Wave and I recommended it to the CPA Evolution 2.0 members when it was launched about a month ago.

You can get Video Wave here (Video Wave is no longer available).

I create the video and voice using Video Wave and it also helps me a lot with the keyword research and backlink generation (haven’t started doing it yet).

However, there are free alternatives.

There are tools for editing videos as well as for generating “almost human” voiceovers.

Of course, I think Video Wave is a better option if you can afford it, but it’s NOT mandatory.

Here are the free tools I recommend:

Video editors


Photos app that comes with Windows 10


Text to speech


Keyword research

Google’s Keyword Tool (you need to create a free AdWords account)

Social syndication (for backlink generation)

You can do it manually

I haven’t explained much about the keyword research and backlink generation yet, but will be covering it in the next updates!

I’ll also start working on the landing page for capturing leads in the next days and will share it here and explain the whole strategy in details.

For now, you just need to understand what type of videos I’ll be creating for implementing this method.
