Video Marketing – Landing page

Hello CPA Evolutioneers! So, I am back to this OTS case study… to rock it and show you how to make money with video marketing!

I had to pause the case study for a few days, because I had some personal problems and, although I kept the program updated and replied to all the support messages, I couldn’t keep working on the YouTube channel.

But now I am back and will get the ball rolling again to finish the case study and generate profits.

The first thing I did was to finish a lead capturing page so that I can start collecting emails as soon as the videos start getting traffic. Then, I’ll market dating offers to the subscribers on a regular basis.

There are some videos on the channel, which I uploaded a few weeks ago, but I still haven’t generated any backlinks for them or done any type of optimization, so not a lot of traffic.

But in the next days I’ll finish optimizing those videos and will create others as well. I’ll document everything and share all the steps with you here so that you can replicate the process.

Well, but here in this post I want to show you the landing page I set up, so here you go:

Click here to see the landing page

It’s pretty simple and it took me just a couple minutes to set it up with Smart Landers.

But that’s the key, to keep it simple and focus on completing the whole process.

Stay tuned for more updates in the next days!