Video Marketing – New video

Hey, I just posted a new video on the YouTube channel:

Click here to watch it

The channel already has 4 videos now, which is not a lot, but enough for me to start the next phase which is to do a small link syndication. This is actually not a mandatory step, but it’s a smart thing that consumes almost no time and helps with ranking fast.

This syndication is basically making a post on each of the major traffic sources with a link pointing to the video. It helps build a few backlinks and helps a bit with the ranks.

Some of the videos are already getting a small amount of traffic and it should help the numbers get better.

Once it happens, I’ll edit the descriptions and will add a link to the landing page and start capturing leads. As soon as the first leads hit my autoresponder I’ll start sending the first broadcast messages promoting dating offers and will hopefully get some conversions.

I may need to upload a few more videos, but I am hoping to get the initial traffic and the first leads and conversion with 4 – 7 videos…

Now, imagine uploading one or 2 videos a day (recommended) and using the same process for getting traffic… in few weeks you can have dozens of videos ranking on Google and start taking advantage on the snowball effect to build a nice sized list in a short period of time.

Remember, the OTS is just an example, it has a start and an end, but when you do it for real there won’t be an end, so your list and income will grow gradually and you’ll be able to get very nice results with this method.

The next video will be posted here real soon, so stay tuned!