Task 3: Prepare your ad account


Now, you’ll prepare your Meta Ads account to start running CPA campaigns on Facebook.


If you’re going to run your first campaign with CPA Evolution using Meta Ads (Facebook), there are 3 possible situations for you at this point:

1 – You’ve never run a Meta Ads campaign and may not even have an account there

2 – You’ve run ad campaigns with Meta before and have an active ad account (even if you haven’t used it in a while)

3 – You’ve been banned and no longer have a Meta Ads account

Here’s how to proceed in each situation…

1 – You’ve never run a Meta Ads campaign and may not even have an account there

First thing you’ll need is a personal Facebook account. If you have one, you can use it. If not, create it here.

Don’t worry, no one will see that it’s you running the ads, campaigns will be 100% anonymous.

A personal account is required because every ad or business account on Facebook needs to have an admin, which must be a personal account.

Also, you don’t need to use Facebook regularly.

Important: If you don’t have a registered business, you can use a personal ad account. Make sure to provide your real information and you won’t have problems.

In case you have a registered business and want to use it, after you set up your personal account, you can create a business account here.

Once you finish creating the personal (or business) account, you can then create the ad account here.

2 – You’ve run ad campaigns with Meta before and have an active ad account (even if you haven’t used it in a while)

This is the easiest one.

If you already have a Meta ad account and it’s active (even if you haven’t used it for months or even years), you don’t need to do anything at this point.

3 – You’ve been banned and no longer have a Meta Ads account

A ban doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to advertise with meta again.

It’s always possible to get back to the game, you just need to follow the right steps to set up a new account.

Here you can download a PDF guide that shows the exact steps to set up a new Meta Ads account after a ban.

The PDF also shows how to avoid future bans, so make sure to read it carefully.


No complementary training is necessary for this task.


Choose one of the 3 options above and get your Meta Ads account ready for the next lessons.

Once you’re done, CLICK HERE to go to the next task.

Task 2: Have an overview of the method


Here you’ll have an overview of the method and will understand how your campaigns will work. You’ll see the campaign flow and how people will go from Facebook to the CPA offers that you’ll be promoting.


The video below will show you how angle-oriented campaigns work on Facebook and how they will drive quality visitors to your CPA offers.


No complementary training is necessary for this task.


This is an easy one. You just need to have a basic understanding of the campaigns and how you’ll be promoting the CPA offers.

After watching the video above, you can CLICK HERE to go to the next task.

Task 1: Learn the best practices


Your goal here will be to learn the best practices for running ads on Facebook. You’ll learn what to avoid to prevent constant ad rejections or frequent account bans.


Before we cover the best practices, here’s a video to help you understand why Facebook is a powerful traffic source for promoting CPA offers.

Ok, now let’s go to the main part of this lesson…

The video below will show you the rules that you’ll need to keep in mind when creating your ads.


No complementary training is necessary for this task.


Write down the rules explained in the video to avoid making unnecessary mistakes when creating your ads and campaigns.

Alternatively, you can download this PDF with the rules and print it.

It’s also advisable that you read Facebook’s ad guidelines at this point.

Once done, you can CLICK HERE to go to the next task.

Preparation: How to take action

DO NOT SKIP THIS – Read carefully before you get started

Welcome to our training on Facebook Ads!

In this training you’ll learn a proven method for promoting CPA offers on Facebook.

Important things to keep in mind:

* Facebook is huge and not every campaign method there will work for CPA. The one you’ll learn here is called “angle-oriented campaigns” and it’s proven to produce great results when combined with free lead generation CPA offers.

* We will be covering Facebook specifically here, not all Meta placements. We do have another training module on Instagram, though.

* If you’ve lost your Facebook account before, you can get a new one for implementing this method. You’ll learn how to do that in one of the next lessons.

Now, let’s talk about the best way for you to implement this training module and achieve results.

First, follow the lessons in the order that they are presented to you.

The module is in a task-by-task (or step-by-step) format. Inside each lesson you’ll find 4 elements:

The objective of the lesson will be right on top and it will tell you exactly what you’re supposed to accomplish with that lesson.

The training will show you, in details, how to achieve the objective. What to do, where to clicks, what to avoid, etc. You’ll have clear directions and demonstrations to follow.

The complement will be one or more additional training lessons. They are not mandatory, but can help you execute the task more efficiently.

This part will tell you what to do next and how to move on to the next task.

Go through the lessons one by one. Be patient and persistent. Take the time to study the lessons, watch the videos and complete each task carefully.

When you complete all the tasks of this module, you’ll have a campaign up and running on Facebook.

For creating other campaigns, just repeat the process.

When you go through the tasks for the first time and create your first campaign, the process will be slow as you’ll be learning it.

Once you’re familiar with the process and start creating more campaigns, you’ll be able to execute the tasks much faster.

If you have questions or need help during the process, get in touch with the support.

For regular questions, please, use the community. First, search for similar questions as someone may have already asked the same question and you may get an instant answer. If it’s not the case, create a new topic (don’t use an existing one) and post your question. We will get back to you asap.

If you have a private questions that involves sharing data from one of your campaigns, use the support section.

Don’t send support requests by email or on social media. If you do that, you won’t get a reply. You need to use the support section here in this private area.


You’re now ready to start your Facebook journey!

CLICK HERE to go to the first task!

Live Training #145 – Live Q&A

10% Cashback – Expired

Another great cashback opportunity for VIP CPA Evolutioneers!

On Wednesday, July 12th at 6pm EDT we’ll have an amazing training session on how to increase conversions using AI. This is something that can be used for improving CPA campaigns, too, so make sure to attend live.

It will be an exciting training for anyone who’s struggling with lack of conversions.

You can see more details here:


We’ll be hosting the webinar on July 12. Attend the webinar and join via the bonus page that we will provide during the live call to qualify for the 10% cashback.

Cashback: 10%
Start date: Wednesday, July 12th
End date: Sunday, July 16th
Product: Expired

How to claim your cashback
Place your order through the link available on the Wealthy Minds webinar. Send an email to cpasoftwares@gmail.com with the subject “CPAE3 VIP Cashback” and include the email you use for accessing this private area, the email you used to place the order and your transaction ID. After the refund period, we will contact you by email requesting your bank info for us to transfer the money. You’ll have 90 days to reply back to us with the payment information before your cashback expires.


William Souza