Case Studies

Here you’ll find real life case studies that will teach you how to build successful campaigns with a more practical approach.

SEMRush on Instagram

SEMRush on Instagram

This case study shows the details of a campaign that made me almost 6 figures in a few months. The format of this case study…

Prime Video on Facebook

Prime Video on Facebook

This case study shows the details of a campaign that made me 6 figures in few months. The format of this case study is a…

How To Come Up With Killer Angles (Series)

How To Come Up With Killer Angles (Series)

That simple angle allowed me to build a 5 figure campaign… twice! It’s really powerful and, most importantly, will show you how being creative and…

Dating on PoF

Dating on PoF

So, here is nice video showing how to set up a quick campaign on PoF for promoting niche dating sites:

Gaming on Facebook

Gaming on Facebook

Here is a recent case study that shows a pretty nice campaign I set up with one of my retargeting lists. Make sure to have…

Gaming on Sitescout

Gaming on Sitescout

This is not a new case study, it is actually from the first version of the CPA Evolution program, but I think that it’s an…

SiteScout case study

SiteScout case study

This case study will show you how to set up winning campaigns on SiteScout.