Basic Training

Task: Choose your starting point

Now, it’s time for you to make a decision and get started!

This program allows you to start with a small budget or with no budget at all.

You can run paid advertising campaigns right away or start with free traffic to make your budget first. It’s up to you.

However, it’s important that you make a conscious and intelligent decision. And the video below will help you do it.

Task: Joining CPA networks

Here you will learn a process to apply for accounts with CPA networks. It’s important that you follow the instructions properly to ensure a high acceptance rate.

The first actionable video!

Although it’s simple, this is a very crucial step of the process, so pay close attention to the next paragraphs.

For promoting CPA offers the very first thing you should do is to join CPA networks.

CPA networks are like marketplaces where companies (advertisers) list their offers and we (publishers) navigate through them and choose the ones we would like to promote as affiliates.

However, for joining the networks as a publisher/affiliate, you can’t simply go to their website and sign up.

Since you’d be promoting many lead generation offers that pay for simple actions and not sales, it’s important for them to ensure that you’ll be using legit strategies for driving quality traffic before they let you in. They do this to protect their advertisers.

For this reason, it’s necessary to submit an application, get the application approved and just then get a publisher account.

But don’t worry! Submitting applications and getting them approved is a very simple task.

You just need to do 4 simple things to get your first accounts with good CPA networks.

1. Check out the video and PDF guides on this page – Below you’ll find a video and a PDF guide showing the process of submitting applications in details. The PDF guide also has a common questions and answers section. Watch the video and read the PDF to learn the process.

2. Get a basic understanding of a method – The networks are likely to ask you some basic questions about the method you’ll be using for running the offers. So, it’s advisable that you check out the training here. If you’ll get started with paid traffic, then you’ll use that training right after you join the networks anyway. And even if you’ll start with free traffic, it will be useful because you’ll soon switch to paid advertising. Don’t worry about learning the method in details, but do get a basic overview of it so that you can answer their simple questions. You can get this basic understanding by going through the training here and/ or the OTS case study on Facebook Ads here.

3. Apply for accounts with the recommended companies – Below you’ll find my list of recommended CPA networks with some referral links that will help you get approved. Go to all those networks and submit applications following the instructions in the video and PDF guides.

4. Give the CPA networks a quick call – It’s a good idea to give the networks a quick call in order to ensure that your application is reviewed soon. And this is the step that scares most beginners… for no reason, actually! If you just wait, there’s a good chance that the affiliate managers of the networks will call you, but calling them upfront can be a good idea. And talking to them is very easy. They’re used to talk to affiliates of all levels and from all around the world, so even if your English is very basic, you won’t have problems. Affiliate managers are very gentle and if you just answer their questions honestly you’ll have no problems to get your first approvals. If you don’t manage to reach out to them by phone, try to use Skype or AIM. Find the CPA networks at and and you’ll most likely find the IDs of their affiliate managers for contacting them via those instant messengers.

It’s a simple process and you’ll have to do it just once. After that, you’ll be ready conquer the CPA world!

Oh, and don’t lose motivation if you eventually get some applications rejected. It’s normal and not a big deal (you can apply for accounts with those networks again in the future).

Keep in mind that if you get one approval (and you will, because it’s not hard!) you’ll be already good to go.

Besides the video, also make sure to read the PDF guide:

Recommended CPA networks:
1. Global Wide Media (former Neverblue)
2. MaxBounty
3. Click Dealer
4. Convert2Media
5. A4D
6. PerformCB
7. Adscend Media (incent)
8. Mobidea
9. AdCombo
10. MyLead

Find more networks:

Alternative Networks

It’s very important that you do take the time to apply for accounts with the CPA networks listed above.

Those networks have the best offers that will allow you to find profitable campaigns and scale them fast.

However, there are other networks that, although not specialized in the CPA model, also have CPA offers.

Those networks are more focused on CPS (cost-per-sale, requires a sale for a conversion to occur) offers, but some of their advertisers list lead generation offers as well.

You can join them to start your first campaigns, in case it takes a bit longer than expected for you to get approved by the CPA networks. Those networks also have an approval process, but they tend to be a bit easier to join (and, sometimes, faster as well).

It’s important to mention, though, that they shouldn’t be used to replace the CPA networks.

The 2 alternative affiliate are:


There are others, but they have an approval process similar to the one used by the CPA networks.

You can sign up for accounts with both alternative networks above and start working with them. However, don’t settle for those accounts, do submit applications for joining the CPA networks.

If possible, even apply for accounts with the CPA networks and try not to use these alternative companies. Use them only if the approval process with the CPA networks takes longer than expected (it’s usually a fast and straight-forward process, so this isn’t a common situation).

Your task: follow the 4-step process and submit applications to the recommended CPA networks.

CPA Marketing: Niches & offers

Here you’ll learn more about the niches and offers you’ll be promoting.

CPA has a huge variety of niches and offers and it’s important to start with the right ones to speedup your success.

This video will help you understand the best options available and will guide you in the best choices.

You’ll also find videos covering this in more details within the specific training modules that you’ll study soon

CPA Marketing: The big opportunity

Here you will learn more about the potential of CPA marketing and why the moment now is perfect for you to enter the industry and build a solid business.

CPA represents now one of the biggest opportunities on the internet for individuals and companies that are looking to establish a sustainable, long-term online business.

This video will help you understand this opportunity a bit better and will ensure that you’re prepared to take full advantage on it!

CPA Marketing: What is CPA?

Here you’ll learn how the CPA games works and how you can profit with it.

Watch the video below to understand who are the players, what you’ll be doing and how you’ll earn your commissions.

You’re probably eager to take action and go to the actual methods, but a good understanding of the CPA model will make it easier for you to implement the program.

So, take some time to watch the videos in this module and this information will save you time and money in the next days!

Preparation: How to use the support

The support is one of the most important aspects of this program.

In this video you’ll learn how to use it efficiently so that you can have all the assistance you need to make this program a turning point in your internet marketing career!

Preparation: Resources, budget and goals

Here you’ll learn what you need to be prepared to start your CPA journey

You won’t need anything special, but it’s good to be aware of all the requirements and fully prepared for the action.

Watch the video below and get ready to start!

IMPORTANT: We have recently upgraded our softwares. Both the landing page and banner softwares have been merged into the CPA Tools suite. All the resources of the old versions plus new ones are available!

Preparation: Important mistakes to avoid

This program is a real opportunity for you to skyrocket your business, but you need to avoid important mistakes.

Becoming successful with CPA marketing is not just a matter of learning the methods. It’s equally important to avoid common mistakes and approach your business correctly.

I have been coaching students for over 10 years now and I’ve seen many people going from newbies to full-time internet marketers. This video will show you how they have done this and what mistakes must be avoided in the process.

Preparation: How to become a successful entrepreneur

It’s not just about CPA. It’s about business.

Making people successful isn’t just about teaching them a method, but also (and specially) about changing their mindset and the way they approach business.

If you have been dreaming about building a profitable online business and enjoying a more comfortable lifestyle, I have good news for you: you’re pretty close to achieving that.

This program can take you from zero to hero in the CPA industry and teach you how to run extraordinarily profitble ad campaigns.

However, besides learning the methods, you’ll also need toturn yourself into a real entrepreneur. You’ll need to understand how the money game works and how you can overcome the obstacles that you’ll face in your journey.

This video will show you the winning mindset that successful online marketers have. Don’t underestimate the power of this information and skip this video. That’s a decision you’d most certainly regret in the future.

Welcome: Who is William Souza?

If we will work together during the next weeks/months, I think we should know each other a bit better.

If we will be working together, I think it’s nice that we get to know each other a bit better, don’t you think?

In this video I’ll tell you a bit more about my business and journey in the CPA industry.

Feel free to leave a comment below with a few words about and your background!