Beginner Modules


Minimum recommended budget: $300 flat

In this module you’ll learn how to promote CPA offers using native ads on Taboola.

Taboola is one of the biggest native advertising platforms on the internet.

Follow the lessons and complete the tasks in the order that they’re presented to you.

Good luck in your native journey!

Preparation: How to take action

Preparation: How to take action

DO NOT SKIP THIS – Read carefully before you get started Welcome to our training on Taboola! In this training you’ll learn a proven method…

Introduction to Taboola

Introduction to Taboola

OBJECTIVE Taboola is a powerful native ads platform and here you’ll learn how to use it for promoting CPA offers. TRAINING Watch the video below…

Task 1: Understand native campaigns

Task 1: Understand native campaigns

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how native campaigns work and how you can make money with them. TRAINING Check out this video and learn how you’ll…

Task 2: Find a suitable offer

Task 2: Find a suitable offer

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn about the best offers to promote with Taboola campaigns. TRAINING Check out this video and learn how to choose your offers.…

Task 3: Create a landing page

Task 3: Create a landing page

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to create a landing page and use it to skyrocket the conversion rate of your campaign. TRAINING A landing page…

Task 4: Create your Taboola account

Task 4: Create your Taboola account

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to create your Taboola account. TRAINING Watch the video below to learn how to set up a new Taboola account:…

Task 5: Configure tracking

Task 5: Configure tracking

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to set up tracking for your Taboola campaigns. TRAINING Tracking is crucial for native campaigns. No native ad campaign will…

Task 6: Set up your campaign

Task 6: Set up your campaign

OBJECTIVE It’s time to take action! Now, you’ll set up your campaign on Taboola and start getting traffic. TRAINING This is a step-by-step video on…

Task 7: Optimize your campaigns

Task 7: Optimize your campaigns

OBJECTIVE Optimize your campaign to improve ROAS (Return-On-Ad-Spend) and make it profitable. TRAINING This is the most important step of the process. It’s crucial that…


Minimum recommended budget: $300 flat

In this module you’ll learn how to promote CPA offers using native ads on Outbrain.

Outbrain is one of the biggest native advertising platforms on the internet.

Follow the lessons and complete the tasks in the order that they’re presented to you..

Good luck in your native journey!

Preparation: How to take action

Preparation: How to take action

DO NOT SKIP THIS – Read carefully before you get started Welcome to our training on Outbrain! In this training you’ll learn a proven method…

Introduction to Outbrain

Introduction to Outbrain

OBJECTIVE Outbrain is a powerful native ads platform and here you’ll learn how to use it for promoting CPA offers. TRAINING Watch the video below…

Task 1: Understand native campaigns

Task 1: Understand native campaigns

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how native campaigns work and how you can make money with them. TRAINING Check out this video and learn how you’ll…

Task 2: Find a suitable offer

Task 2: Find a suitable offer

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn about the best offers to promote with Outbrain campaigns. TRAINING Check out this video and learn how to choose your offers.…

Task 3: Create a landing page

Task 3: Create a landing page

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to create a landing page and use it to skyrocket the conversion rate of your campaign. TRAINING A landing page…

Task 4: Create your Outbrain account

Task 4: Create your Outbrain account

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to create your Outbrain account. TRAINING Watch the video below to learn how to set up a new Outbrain account:…

Task 5: Configure tracking

Task 5: Configure tracking

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to set up tracking for your Outbrain campaigns. TRAINING Tracking is crucial for native campaigns. No native ad campaign will…

Task 6: Set up your campaign

Task 6: Set up your campaign

OBJECTIVE It’s time to take action! Now, you’ll set up your campaign on Outbrain and start getting traffic. TRAINING This is a step-by-step video on…

Task 7: Optimize your campaigns

Task 7: Optimize your campaigns

OBJECTIVE Optimize your campaign to improve ROAS and make it profitable. TRAINING This is the most important step of the process. It’s crucial that you…

Video Marketing

Minimum recommended budget: $0 (free)

In this module you’ll learn how to promote CPA offers using “Video Marketing”.

Video marketing is one of the most efficient ways to promote CPA offers with free traffic.

The goal of this module is to help you make a budget to switch to a paid advertising module, where the big money is.

If you already have a budget for ads, consider skipping this module. If not, this is the perfect place for you to get started with CPA Evolution!

Follow the lessons in the right order, take action and you’ll soon be crushing Facebook!

Preparation: How to take action

Preparation: How to take action

DO NOT SKIP THIS – Read carefully before you get started Welcome to our training on Video Marketing! In this training you’ll learn a proven…

Introduction to video marketing

Introduction to video marketing

OBJECTIVE Your goal here will be to learn how video marketing works. You’ll get an overview of the system you’ll be implementing. TRAINING Watch the…

Task 1: Choose your niche and offers

Task 1: Choose your niche and offers

OBJECTIVE Your goal here will be to select a niche and some offers for creating your first videos. TRAINING Check out this video and learn…

Task 2: Create landing pages

Task 2: Create landing pages

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to create landing pages for your offers. TRAINING In the previous task, you selected 3 to 5 offers. Now, you’ll…

Task 3: Create a YouTube channel

Task 3: Create a YouTube channel

OBJECTIVE Your goal here will be to create a YouTube channel where you’ll be publishing your videos. TRAINING Creating a new YouTube channel is very…

Task 4: Choose a strategy

Task 4: Choose a strategy

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn the two strategies you can use for generating video views and, consequently, traffic to your offers. TRAINING The video below shows…

Task 5: Create videos

Task 5: Create videos

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to create your first videos. TRAINING The video below shows how to create videos. The tutorial above is a…

Task 6: Weekly routine

Task 6: Weekly routine

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to create videos consistently to achieve results as fast as possible. TRAINING The “big secret” for succeeding with video marketing…

Facebook Ads

Minimum recommended budget: $200 flat

In this module you’ll learn how to promote CPA offers using “Facebook Angle-Oriented Campaigns”.

Meta Ads is a huge platform. There are many methods for running ads there and not all of them are a good fit for promoting CPA offers (especially if you’re a beginner). However, the method you’ll learn here is a simple, affordable and 100% proven way to make money with CPA offers even if you’re on a tight budget.

Follow the lessons in the right order, take action and you’ll soon be crushing Facebook!

Preparation: How to take action

Preparation: How to take action

DO NOT SKIP THIS – Read carefully before you get started Welcome to our training on Facebook Ads! In this training you’ll learn a proven…

Task 1: Learn the best practices

Task 1: Learn the best practices

OBJECTIVE Your goal here will be to learn the best practices for running ads on Facebook. You’ll learn what to avoid to prevent constant ad…

Task 2: Have an overview of the method

Task 2: Have an overview of the method

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll have an overview of the method and will understand how your campaigns will work. You’ll see the campaign flow and how people…

Task 3: Prepare your ad account

Task 3: Prepare your ad account

OBJECTIVE Now, you’ll prepare your Meta Ads account to start running CPA campaigns on Facebook. TRAINING If you’re going to run your first campaign with…

Task 4: Find a suitable offer

Task 4: Find a suitable offer

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to find a good CPA offer for you to promote with an angle-oriented campaign on Facebook. TRAINING Before you can…

Task 5: Create an angle

Task 5: Create an angle

OBJECTIVE The angle is one of the most important elements of a successful campaign. Here you’ll learn how to use it efficiently. TRAINING Most people…

Task 6: Create a landing page

Task 6: Create a landing page

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to create a landing page and use it to skyrocket the conversion rate of your campaign. TRAINING A landing page…

Task 7: Create your ads

Task 7: Create your ads

OBJECTIVE You’ll learn how to create quality Facebook ads that generate traffic and engagement and that don’t create compliance issues. TRAINING The video below will…

Task 8: Set up your campaign

Task 8: Set up your campaign

OBJECTIVE It’s time to take action! Now, you’ll set up your campaign on Meta Ads and start getting traffic. TRAINING This is a step-by-step video…

Task 9: Test and optimize

Task 9: Test and optimize

OBJECTIVE Here you’ll learn how to turn your campaign into a winner by properly optimizing it. TRAINING No campaigns starts off with a positive ROI.…