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Task 4: Define your angle & targeting

Here you will learn how to choose the angle of your campaign, which is a key element.

This is a very important lesson and task, so make sure to pay close attention to the video below!

The angle is a core element of the campaign and it basically determines who (audience) you’ll be targeting with your campaign and how you’ll be presenting the offer to people.

If you’ve never learned about choosing angles for your campaigns, you may need to watch this video a few times and practice a bit to become good at picking angles, but the good news is that the lack of good angles may be very well the reason why you haven’t been achieving much success with your online ventures.

Once you learn how to pick solid angles for your campaigns, you’ll have mastered a vital skill for becoming successful not only with internet marketing, but with online advertising in general.

Also very important is to know what audience to target.

Having the right offer won’t be enough if you present it to the wrong audience.

The video will also show you how to determine the targeting of your campaign so that you can ensure that people seeing your ad will be interested in the offer you’re advertising.

Your task: Make some research about your offer on Google (don’t be lazy! Researching is very important for building efficient campaigns) as well as about other similar products or services. Understand who’s normally interested in that type of product and then understand what are the main benefits that people are looking for when they use the product (the problems that the product can solve). Then, come up with a nice angle for your campaign. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake and choose a bad angle, you’ll get better as you practice and a campaign with an angle will always be better than a campaign with no angle at all.

Your task: once you have an angle, determine the targeting that you’ll be using to reach a specific and relevant audience on Facebook. Think about the demographics and interests that you can use to avoid targeting a general audience and hitting the nail on the head!

Here are other videos that can help you come up with good angles: video 1video 2.

Task 3: Choose your niches & offers

Here you will learn how to choose the right niches and offers for your first campaigns on Facebook.

One important step in the beginning of the process is the niche selection.

Choosing a good niche will allow you to start with the right foot and get better results with your campaigns.

Normally, the easiest niches to start with when doing CPA on Facebook are gaming, surveys and freebies.

Although it’s possible to use multiple niches at the same time, it’s advisable that you start with one niche and get profitable with it before you start using multiple niches.

Equally important is to select offers that are Facebook compliant and have a good potential to become profitable.

The video below will show you how to choose a niche and then search for offers in your CPA network that can be promoted on Facebook.

Important: Some offers may have a ‘daily cap’, which is the maximum amount of leads you’re allowed to generate in one day. Don’t worry about the cap, you can start with offers that have a low daily cap and it won’t limit your earnigs potential. Why? Because once the advertiser can assess the quality of your leads the cap will be increased or even removed.

Your task: select a niche for your first Facebook Ads campaigns

Your task: go to your CPA networks and search for some offers in your niche that meet the criteria in the video. Then, choose one to set up a campaign for (keep the others in a list as you’ll use them for further campaigns)

You can also watch another video that will help you choose good offers by clicking here.

What if I don’t find any offers on my CPA networks in the niche I’ve chosen?

It may happen if you have accounts with just one or few CPA networks. But it’s not a big deal. As explained above and in the video, there are a few niche options that you can go with, so if you don’t find offers in the first niche you select, simply pick one of the other niches to start with!

Task 2: Research Hot Toics

Researching is essential not only for CPA, but for marketing in general.

Some people think that some methods may allow them to skip the research part, but this isn’t true.

When you market an offer, you simply try to convince a group of people to take that offer.

For you to accomplish that, you’ll need to learn what are the main problems, desires, concerns, etc of your target audience

In fact, there’s a video in the Instagram ads training that covers this reasearch process in a very simple and straight forward way. Since the process is the same for Facebook and Instagram, instead of creating a repeated video we prefer to recommend that you check out the existing one here.

Your task: research hot topics and find out what’s popular on the internet and social media now.

Task 1: Prepare Your Facebook Ad Account

Before you get started with Facebook advertising, it’s important that you ensure that your account is properly set up.

We have put together a PDF guide that helps with both properly setting up accounts and, for those who have lost their accounts before joining the program, creating new accounts.

It’s advisable that you read the PDF here.

Follow the instructions there to have a personal or business account properly set up.

And, yes, you can use a personal account now, Facebook is no longer trying to enforce business accounts for all advertisers. It’s just important that you set up the account in the best way possible in your situation and the PDF will help you with that.

Another big concern people have is regarding the updates on iOS that started on version 14.

It’s still confusing for many advertisers, so if you don’t understand those changes and how they can affect your advertising experience on Facebook, make sure to check out this video and PDF guide, too.

If you have any questions, just use the support area.

Your task: get your account ready to start advertising on Facebook.

Preparation: Campaigns

Here you will learn more about the structure of the campaigns that you will be running in the next days.

In this video you’ll learn more about the type of campaigns you’ll be running on Facebook.

Facebook Ads is a robust platform and it’s important to understand correctly how you’ll be running campaigns to avoid mistakes along the way.

Watch this video and then get ready for the first task in the next lesson!

Preparation: Requirements

Here you will learn about the requirements for getting started with social advertising.

There are a few things that you’ll need for implementing the lessons in this modules efficiently.

This video will show you everything in details and will help you get prepared for the action!

Preparation: Best practices

Here you will learn about the best practices that you should keep in mind when using Facebook to ensure that your campaigns perform well and you don’t have problems with the platform.

Many people are afraid of running ads on Facebook because of the horror stories they’ve heard about account bans.

Of course, Facebook is a serious platform and violating their rules may lead to an account ban. However, it’s perfectly possible to run campaigns for CPA offers on Facebook and get great results without having to worry about losing the account.

This video will show you some of the best practices you can use to ensure that your account will be safe and that you’ll be able to create a long-term business on Facebook.

Watch the video careful and take notes to ensure that you do use these practices when you start setting up your first campaigns.

Preparation: Understanding Facebook

Here you will learn the basics of Facebook and the advertising platform.

When you’re going to start using an advertising platform that you don’t know much about or have experience with, it’s important to understand how it works and how you can use it for promoting your offers.

This video will give you an overview of the Facebook Ads platform and will help you understand how you’ll be using it to make money with CPA offers.

This video will give you an overview of the Facebook Ads platform and will help you understand how you’ll be using it to make money with CPA offers.

Preparation: How to take action

Here you will learn more about the first strategy you’ll be implementing with the program.

Watch this video to understand how you should take action and implement this first module.

One important thing to notice is that you are NOT supposed to go through the entire training before you take action. You can watch the videos in the “basic Training” module and then the ones in this module and get started implementing the lessons.

You can use the “Advanced Modules” in the future to scale your business and distribute your income across multiple traffic sources, but you don’t have to do it right out of the gate.

Why to start with Facebook ads?

This is a question you may have in mind. Why not to get started with a little know traffic source or another platform that’s not as “common” as Facebook.

Well, the fact is that Facebook can be a dangerous place for beginners if running campaigns the wrong way.

However, the right type of campaign can make Facebook the easiest, cheapest and fastest (for getting results) starting point for a CPA beginner.

Broad Facebook campaigns that make us compete with local businesses and big brands directly can be very tough to start with.

On the other hand, small angle-oriented campaigns like the ones you’ll learn to build in this training module allow us to focus on very specific audiences, create ads with sky-high engagement level and get affordable traffic that converts extremely well.

This specific method will allow you to test campaigns with a small budget, get results fast and earn good while you learn the basics of running CPA campaigns.

So, it’s highly advisable that you start with this module and make some money before you move on to the more advanced modules.

Now, watch the video below and get started in your CPA journey!

Of course, you can make a post in the community or, if it’s a private question, contact your coach for assistance, but using the common questions section may save you a lot of time as the answer to your question may be instantly available there.