Instagram Ads

Resources: Common questions

Here you will find the most common questions and answers of this module’s strategy

This is a very important section as it contains the most common questions that CPA Evolutioneers have after they start running CPA campaigns on Facebook for the first time.

Of course, you can always get help by using the “Support” section or by making a post in the community.

But, sometimes, the fastest way to get clarify a doubt is simply to check out this section and see if your question is in the FAQ.

This way, you can get an instant answer to your question and keep working on your campaigns with no interruption!

In case you don’t find an answer here, the second fastest way to get an answer is to try to use Google.

If you’re not familiar with a term, for example, Google may be of great help and also provide you with an instant answer to your question.

If you still have a question after using this section and searching on Google, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with your coach!

Frequent Asked Questions

Is advertising on Facebook and Instagram the same?
There are indeed many similarities with both platforms. But they are different in many aspects, too. Having experience with one doesn’t ensure your success with the other. So, it’s advisable that you go through the Instagram training if you’ll advertise on that platform even if you already have experience with Facebook.

Is previous experience with Facebook ads mandatory for doing Instagram ads?
Not mandatory, but advisable. Previous experience with Facebook will help you implement the Instagram module with better results.

Is the ads manager for setting up Instagram ads the same that we use for Facebook ads?
Yes, it’s the same ads manager and the same process for setting up Facebook and Instagram ads. When creating a new ad, you’ll be able to choose between Facebook and Instagram in the placements section.

Can I run the same ad both on Facebook on Instagram?
Technically yes, but it’s definitely not advisable. The results will most likely be different for each platform and there are different guidelines for creating efficient ads on Facebook and Instagram.

Should I use the same Facebook pixel for my Instagram campaigns?

Can I use data collected on Facebook (pixel) on Instagram and vice-versa?
Yes, you can. Both platforms are fully integrated and you can use data such as custom audiences and lookalike audiences that you’ve built with one platform on the other.

For beginners, is it better to start with Facebook or Instagram?
The best is to follow the order of the modules in the program and get started with Facebook ads. It’s not mandatory, but advisable.

Resource: New Instagram account

Need to create a new Instagram account?

It’s advisable that you create an Instagram account for running ads and don’t use your own personal account.

Creating an Instagram account is simple and fast.

You can go to and click to sign up for a new account using Facebook. This way, it will be already connected with your Facebook account.

Another option, in case you already use Instagram with a personal account on your phone, is to create the new account within the app. Here’s how to do it:

1 – Access the app;

2 – Go toyour profile (click your photo on the bottom right)

3 – Expand the menu by clicking the icon on top right

4 – Click “Settings”

5 – Under “Logins”, click “Add account”

6 – Choose “Create new account” (in case you have created the account on your computer, you can add the account to the app on your phone here, too)

In case you need to add your Instagram account to your Facebook Business Manager (if you create it with your personal account, it should happen automatically), follow these steps:

1 – Go to

2 – Click the menu on the top left to expand it and select “Business Settings”

3 – Under “Accounts”, select “Instagram Accounts”

4 – Click the “+ Add” button and connect your new Instagram account

Resource: Printable action plan

Congratulations on completing this module!

You arenow ready to run Instagram ad campaigns and profit big!

In order to help you with setting up your campaigns, we’ve put together a pintable action plan for you.

==> Click here to download the action plan

And don’t forget that practice is always the most imortant thing. Be persistent, test campaigns, learn from your mistakes and soon you’llbe an Instagram ads master!

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Task 10: Scale

Scaling campaigns correcty can help you multiply your profits

Found a profitable campaign? Awesome!

Now, it can be a good idea to scale it and maximize your profits.

Since the platform for running ads on Facebook and Instagram is the same, the steps for scaling a campaign on both traffic sources are the same as well.

You can click here to check out the scaling lesson in the Facebook training module.

Enjoy it!

Task 9: Create CAs and LLAs

Using Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences can help you get better results

You can use the data collected by your Facebook pixel to create Custom and Lookalike Audiences that can make your Instagram campaigns more targeted (and profitable).

The process to create the audiences and use them in a campaign on Instagram is exacty the same as on Facebook.

In fact, there’s a detailed lesson about this in the Facebook training and you can click here to check it out.

Enjoy it!

Task 8: Test and optimize

Here you’ll learn the optimization process for Instagram campaigns

The video below will show you the main optimization rules for Instagram ad campaigns.

However, after you watch the video on this page, it’s advisable that you check out the Facebook optimization video, too. You can do it here.

Also, keep in mind that a campaign rarely becomes profitable without proper optimization. So, it’s important that you do proper optimization to find winners.

Your task: start the optimization process with your campaign.

Task 7: Set up your campaign

Here you’ll learn the step-by-step process to launch your Instagram ad campaign

Instagram ad campaigns are set up via Facebook’s Ads Manager. However, it’s advisable that you watch the video below even if you already have experience with facebook ads.

There are different ways to start a campaign on Instagram, but the process described in the video below is the easiest start for beginners.

Important: Never target more than one country with the same ad set. Different countries may have a different performance and mixing them up will make it a lot harder to optimize the campaign. Start with one country. If the campaign does well, you can test others in the future.

Your task: set up your Instagram ad campaign.

Task 6: Install your Facebook pixel

Using your Facebook pixel is important on Instagram, too

Installing your Facebook pixel can help you improve your campaigns in the future by using Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences.

However, this is covered in details in the Facebook training, so there’s no need to repeat it here.

You can see the “Install your Facebook pixel” in the Facebook training here:

==> Click here to watch the video

Your task: install your Facebook pixel on your landing page.

Task 5: Create your landing pages

Here you’ll learn how to create high-converting landing pages for Instagram

The landing page is one of the most important elements of a campaign, because it’s on the landing page that you have the chance to talk to the prospect and convince them to take the offer.

Don’t underestimate the landing page as the conversion may actually occur at that point (at least in the prospect’s mind).

Be careful with writing your copy and selecting your image. Don’t settle for the first version you create, review and improve your landing page and make sure that you persuade people to take action.

Your task: create your landing page.

Task 4: Create your ads

In this lesson you’ll learn how to create efficient Instagram ads for your campaigns

Instagram is a visual social media platform and creating efficient ads is essential to stand out and grab attention.

The video below will show you how to create ads that will get noticed and will drive quality traffic to your landing pages and offers.

Important instructions for creating ads:
* Recommended image size for mobile ads: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels.
* Recommended image formats are JPG and PNG.
* Images with 20% text or more could increase chances of failed delivery.

Your task: create 5 ads to test with your first campaign.