List Building

Task 7: Optimizing your email marketing

In this lesson you’ll learn how to optimize your email marketing.

Optimization is key for any type of online business. And it’s not different for email marketing.

The video below will show you how you can optimize your email marketing for maximum results both in terms of engagement and conversions.

Task 5: Creating an opt-in page

In this lesson you’ll learn how to build a killer opt-in page.

This is a very important step, because a good giveaway will not only to help you capture more emails, but also to start the relationship with your new subscribers with the right foot.

The video below will show you how to find a nice giveaway without spending too much money.

Task 4: Best offers to promote

Here you’ll learn how to choose the right offers to promote to your list.

Promoting CPA offers with email marketing is a bit different than promoting CPA offers with paid advertising.

The video below will show you how to choose offers that will help you generate conversions without damaging your relationship with your subscribers.

Task 3: Choosing a giveaway

In this lesson you’ll learn how to choose a nice giveaway for capturing emails.

This is a very important step, because a good giveaway will not only to help you capture more emails, but also start the relationship with your new subscribers with the right foot.

The video below will show you how to find a nice giveaway without spending too much money.

Task 2: Defining your audience

In this lesson you’ll learn how to define the target audience for building your list.

And this is one of the most important steps of the process.

If you go with a broad audience, it will be a lot harder to build and monetize your list. So, watch the video below and define a specific and lucrative audience for building your first list!

Task 1: Choosing an autoresponder

In this lesson you’ll learn how to choose a good autoresponder.

The autoresponder is the most important tool for email marketers.

Choosing the right autoresponder can help you save money and time and, of course, generate better results with your lists.

The video below will help you understand how to analyze the autoresponder tools and make a good decision.

Preparation: When to start building a list?

Here you’ll understand when it’s the right moment to build your list.

Even though list building can be very profitable in the long run, it doesn’t mean that it should be your number one priority when starting a CPA business.

There is an ideal moment for you to start building your list and this video will help you understand if this is that moment for you.

Preparation: Why to build a list?

Here you’ll understand why you should build an email list.

Building an email list is one of the oldest and still one of the most efficient ways of building a profitable online business.

In this video you’ll learn why you should start capturing emails and building long-term assets for your business.