Media Buys 1


On this video you will learn how to optimize your media buying campaigns.

This type of campaign involves many elements (ads, landing pages, offers, placements, etc), so it’s not usual to find a profitable combination right away.

For this reason, it’s important to do the optimization process properly and fix what’s wrong to make the campaigns profitable asap.


On this video you will learn how to use BuySellAds, which is a popular media buying platform that has great placements in several niches.


On this video you will learn how to set up campaigns on Clicksor.

Although this platform isn’t as popular as SiteScout or Buy Sell Ads, it has a lot of traffic and can be extremely profitable is used properly.

Important: Clicksor has been acquired by Yesup Media. If you have any campaigns or other things to manage on your Clicksor account, you should access it via your Yesup Media account.


On this video you will learn how to use SiteScout, which is one of the biggest RTB media buying platforms available.

You will probably run many campaigns on this platform, which is a good reason to watch this video and make sure that you understand everything.

Important: Sitescout has been acquired by Centro. You can still join it via Centro, but it’s now a platform for advertisers with a larger budget, so it’s better to focus on it when you have a few thousand dollars for investing in your campaigns.


On this video you will learn how to choose the best placements for your campaigns.

Promoting the right offers is important, but if you do it on the wrong place all your efforts will be useless, so pay close attention to this video to make sure that you choose your placements properly.

Niches & offers

On this video you will learn how to choose the best niches and offers for your media buying campaigns.

This is an important step, because if you use with the right offers you will have much better chances of getting results fast.