Mobile Marketing 2


On this video you will learn how to optimize mobile campaigns.

The process for optimizing mobile campaigns is a bit different than the process for optimizing desktop campaigns, so make sure to watch the video in full to avoid missing important things.

Airnow Media

On this video you will learn how to use Airnow, which is a big and quality mobile advertising platform.

Important: Airpush has changed its brand to Airnow Media.

Niches & offers

On this video you will see what are the best niches and offers to use with your first campaigns on mobile advertising platforms.

It’s important that you don’t make bad choices in the beginning so that you can achieve solid results fast.

Warch this video and it will help you get started with the right foot!


On this video you will see what will be the strcuture of the campaigns using mobile marketing platforms.

It will give you an overview of the campaigns and will help you understand the whole process before you start woirking on specific tasks.