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Resources: Common questions

Here you will find the most common questions and answers of this module’s strategy

This is a very important section as it contains the most common questions that CPA Evolutioneers have after they start doing video marketing for the first time.

Of course, you can always get help by using the “Support” section or by making a post in the community.

But, sometimes, the fastest way to get clarify a doubt is simply to check out this section and see if your question is in the FAQ.

This way, you can get an instant answer to your question and keep working on your campaigns with no interruption!

In case you don’t find an answer here, the second fastest way to get an answer is to try to use Google.

If you’re not familiar with a term, for example, Google may be of great help and also provide you with an instant answer to your question.

If you still have a question after using this section and searching on Google, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with your coach!

Frequent Asked Questions

Do I need to buy a professional video production tool?
No, absolutely not. You can use the free tools recommended in the training. You won’t be creating fancy videos those tools should be enough to get started.

How long should my videos be?
1 to 2 minutes tends to be a good length. However, keep in mind that more important than the length is the quality of the information.

Should I always use landing pages?
Yes, you should. That will help you increase conversions and keep your YouTube account safer. You can click here to watch a webinar recording where I explain this in more details.

How many videos do I have to create until I start getting conversions?
It’s not possible to say as the results that each video will produce will vary a lot. But the most important thing is that you create a routine and stick with it. Create videos regularly and it shouldn’t take too long for the first results to come.

Resource: Over-the-shoulder case study

Here you will see the method in practice in a step-by-step way

Learning the theory is essential for implementing a method efficiently and getting results.

However, most people also benefit greatly from practical examples that allow them to visualize that theory in practice.

That’s why I created an over-the-shoulder case study that shows all the steps for doing video marketing in a profitable way… from start to finish!

If you’d like to check it out, just click the link below and watch the videos labeled as “Video Marketing”:

==> Click here to access the OTS case study

Keep in mind that success with video marketing is often times about volume.

I kept the OTS case study going until I generated the first commission.

For going from that (the first commission) to getting commissions on a daily basis it was a matter of keep creating more videos with the same process.

So, that’s what you have to do, keep creating videos following the process (research more keywords and popular videos when necessary) and the traffic and commissions will grow with a snowball effect.

Resource: Action plan

Congratulations on completing this module!

Congratulations! You’ve completed the main lessons of this module and you can now start creating videos… and flooding your CPA networks with commissions!

In order to help you take massive action, here you can download a PDF action plan that will help you go through all the tasks and use a checklist to implement the method without missing any important details.

==> Click here to download the action plan

Also, don’t forget that this is not supposed to be a lonely journey.

If you need help, with your campaigns, just click on “Support” on the left menu and get help from your coach!

Now, take massive action and go make some moolah!

Task 4: Creating videos

Here you will learn a simple way to create your videos without buying expensive tools or spending a lot of time.

This video will teach you how to create videos.

What you’re supposed to do is very simple…

By now you should have a list of keywords and videos to target, so what you have to do is to start creating a videos for them… one video for each keyword, one video for each target video.

Ideally, you should create 1 or 2 videos a day. Maybe it won’t be easy in the beginning, but as soon as you create a few videos and get familiar with the process it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Keep doing this (creating at least one video a day) and soon you’ll have a bunch of videos up and commissions coming.

Not all your videos will rank and get traffic.

Many videos won’t get any traffic, some will get some traffic and a few will get a lot of traffic.

Important: Use landing pages

It’s highly advisable that you use landing pages as it will increase your conversion rate and also help you avoid account bans on YouTube.

Creating landing pages is easy. You don’t need other tools, you can use Smart Landers which is part of your CPA Evolution 2.0 membership.

Here is a video that talks about how to create efficient landing pages.

After you create one landing page for each offer that you want to promote, you should promote not the offer directly, but the landing page in your video.

You can include a link to the landing page in the video itself as well as in the description of the video.

Here’s the flow:

People watch the video and click the link -> people go to the landing page, get excited about the offer and click the link on the page -> people go to the offer, complete it and you get the commission

Your task: create at least one video a day for the keywords and popular videos in your lists. Keep doing it for a few days and you’ll see that you’ll start to get traffic and conversions. If you need help, don’t hesitate to use the support!

Click here to go to Screencast-O-Matic

Task 3: Choosing offers

Here you will learn how to choose the right offers to promote with your videos.

Ok, now you need to choose your money making offers!

Go to your CPA networks and find offers in your niche.

Don’t give preference to the highest paying offers. Instead, prefer the ones that are easier to convert as they will give you an easier start.

Offers that convert upon a free registration (just a quick form to fill out) are the best ones.

They may or may not require email confirmation (DOI), but avoid offers that require a payment to convert, even if it’s just a small fee for shipping and handling.

Your task: choose 3 to 5 offers that you can promote. Get the affiliate links and get ready to start promoting them!

Task 2: Strategy 2

On this video you will learn a strategy to get traffic from YouTube itself… it’s like if you could

This lesson covers the second strategy that you can also use for getting traffic to your videos.

This strategy is based on getting traffic directly from YouTube.

Every time someone watches a video on YouTube, the platform recommends other related videos to the them.

That’s also a great opportunity for getting traffic if you manage to “influence” YouTube to recommend your video to people who watch popular videos that have a lot of views.

Interestingly enough, it’s not that hard to get YouTube to recommend a video and that’s exactly what you’ll learn in this video.

This strategy will allow you to target popular videos related to your niche and get YouTube to drive traffic from that video to yours. Then, you promote your offer on your video and pocket the commissions!

Your task: create a list of popular videos on YouTube in your niche and that meet the criteria explained in the video lesson.

Task 1: Strategy 1

On this video you will learn an effective strategy to flood your videos with traffic from Google. This is a simple yet effective way to get quality organic traffic.

This video teaches the first strategy for creating efficient videos that get traffic and generate conversions.

As you probably know, YouTube belongs to Google and it’s most likely not a coincidence that YouTube videos rank well on Google.

Not only that, but often times people prefer video results than just the regular search results (links, text).

So, if you create good videos for the right keywords you’ll be likely to get some of them to page 1 of Google, which will deliver traffic to your offers.

Your task: choose a niche that you’d like to work with. It’s nice to go with a niche that has plenty of keywords and free lead generation offers. Some recommendations are dating, gaming, survey and freebies & giveaways. You can always check out the offers available with your CPA networks and choose the niche that will have more options for offers there.

Your task: create a YouTube channel in the niche you’ve selected. You can do it here. Keep it simple, just use a simple cover and profile pictures (obviously, the images should be related to your niche).

Your task: research a list of keywords that you can use for the videos. The more the better, but make sure that all the keywords meet the criteria in the video.

Preparation: Requirements

Here you will learn more about the requirements for getting started with video marketing.

For getting started with video marketing and generating your first commissions you’ll need a few important things.

Those requirements are described in the video below.

Make sure that you have everything in place before you start working on the first videos. It’s good, because then once you get started you can be 100% productive and focus only on creating multiple videos and scaling fast.

Preparation: Advantages & Disadvantages

Here you will see what are the pros and cons of using video marketing to promote CPA offers.

This video will show you the main advantages & disadvantages of video marketing.

Of course, video marketing is a great method for promoting CPA offers without paid advertising.

However, it’s important to understand all the aspects of the method in order to implement it properly and get results in the shortest period of time possible.