OTS Case Studies

Video Marketing – Campaign results & lessons learned

Welcome to the final video of this OTS campaign!

Check out the video below to see the results and understand how you can replicate this strategy and start profiting fast!

The email message I mention in the video is this one:

Subject: Go Out On A Date This Week – Game Plan

Hi {name},

Still single?

Ok, so pay attention to every single word in this email, because I will provide you with a game plan to go out on a date with someone interesting in the next days and start having a lot more success in your personal relationships.

This is the first email of a series of 5. Each email will contain one important steps of the game plan and by the time you implement the last step you’ll be getting tons of messages and many girls/men begging to talk to you and maybe go out with you.

Here are the 5 steps:

1. Be at the right place at the right time

2. Make a strong first impression

3. Use the right bait

4. Build intimacy

5. Checkmate

So, let’s start with the first one…

Be at the right place at the right time

There are many different places that you can go to to meet interesting men and women. Bars, parties… well, even the supermarket can be a good try sometimes!

But the easiest way (by far) is to go to good online dating sites that have real people and find a way to stand out there.

The problem with the dating sites is that they lose momentum fast.

Most sites get a surge of new members, then a few months later people get bored and move on to another site.

So, you need to know what site is hot right now.

eHarmony, Matchmaker, Plenty of Fish, etc are examples of sites that had their glory days, but that are no longer popular nowadays.

The hot place for singles now is iHeartBreaker and, fortunately, you can register for a free account and start using it right now.

==> Click here to sign up for a free account

Sign up, access your account and start playing around to understand how the site works.

You’ll see that it has plenty of members and it won’t take too long for you to realize that you’re at the right place!

Then, get ready for my next email where I’ll show you how to become a top iHeartBreaker and build a killer profile that will allow you to stand out in the community.

Stay tuned!


Anthony Meyers

Video Marketing – Social Media Syndication

Hey, This is just a quick update to let you know that I’ve done the social syndication for the videos on my channel.

This is not a mandatory step, but it does help with rankings and you should do it if possible.

It’s pretty simple, can be done manually and takes just a few minutes.

The social media syndication is nothing but making one post on each of the biggest social networks with a quick descriptions and a link to the video.

You can create the accounts and then do it manually every time you upload a new video to your channel. It shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes.

I personally do it using Video Wave (a software that I recommended here some time ago), because it allows me to make all the posts from inside the software without having to actually log in into each account.

See how it looks like:

But, as I said, it’s possible to do it 100% manually and without buying any paid tool.

Some of the videos are already getting the initial traffic and I’m starting to see some subscribers on the autoresponder, so in a couple days or so I’ll send the first broadcast and will make a post here with all the details and results!

Video Marketing – New video

Hey, I just posted a new video on the YouTube channel:

Click here to watch it

The channel already has 4 videos now, which is not a lot, but enough for me to start the next phase which is to do a small link syndication. This is actually not a mandatory step, but it’s a smart thing that consumes almost no time and helps with ranking fast.

This syndication is basically making a post on each of the major traffic sources with a link pointing to the video. It helps build a few backlinks and helps a bit with the ranks.

Some of the videos are already getting a small amount of traffic and it should help the numbers get better.

Once it happens, I’ll edit the descriptions and will add a link to the landing page and start capturing leads. As soon as the first leads hit my autoresponder I’ll start sending the first broadcast messages promoting dating offers and will hopefully get some conversions.

I may need to upload a few more videos, but I am hoping to get the initial traffic and the first leads and conversion with 4 – 7 videos…

Now, imagine uploading one or 2 videos a day (recommended) and using the same process for getting traffic… in few weeks you can have dozens of videos ranking on Google and start taking advantage on the snowball effect to build a nice sized list in a short period of time.

Remember, the OTS is just an example, it has a start and an end, but when you do it for real there won’t be an end, so your list and income will grow gradually and you’ll be able to get very nice results with this method.

The next video will be posted here real soon, so stay tuned!

Video Marketing – Landing page

Hello CPA Evolutioneers! So, I am back to this OTS case study… to rock it and show you how to make money with video marketing!

I had to pause the case study for a few days, because I had some personal problems and, although I kept the program updated and replied to all the support messages, I couldn’t keep working on the YouTube channel.

But now I am back and will get the ball rolling again to finish the case study and generate profits.

The first thing I did was to finish a lead capturing page so that I can start collecting emails as soon as the videos start getting traffic. Then, I’ll market dating offers to the subscribers on a regular basis.

There are some videos on the channel, which I uploaded a few weeks ago, but I still haven’t generated any backlinks for them or done any type of optimization, so not a lot of traffic.

But in the next days I’ll finish optimizing those videos and will create others as well. I’ll document everything and share all the steps with you here so that you can replicate the process.

Well, but here in this post I want to show you the landing page I set up, so here you go:

Click here to see the landing page

It’s pretty simple and it took me just a couple minutes to set it up with Smart Landers.

But that’s the key, to keep it simple and focus on completing the whole process.

Stay tuned for more updates in the next days!

Video Marketing – New video

Hey, I just posted a new video on the channel.

You can check it out here:

Click here

As you can see, none of my videos have a link in their description yet. At the moment, I am kind of “warming up” the channel. I am posting videos, getting some views and just focusing on content. I’ll also start the syndication on social media in the next days and generate backlinks.

After that, I’ll set up the landing page (the first one) and start inserting the links in the descriptions.

It’s not mandatory to take this “slow” route every time you create a new YouTube channel, but since this is a real-time OTS, I want to make sure that everything flows smoothly! 🙂

Video Marketing – Tools

Hello CPA Evolutioneers!

A few days ago I just uploaded the first videos to my channel (check the previous update if you missed it) and after that I got a few PMs from members asking me to explain which tools I was using to create the videos.

So, let’s do it!

Well, I am actually using a paid tool for producing the videos. The tools is called Video Wave and I recommended it to the CPA Evolution 2.0 members when it was launched about a month ago.

You can get Video Wave here (Video Wave is no longer available).

I create the video and voice using Video Wave and it also helps me a lot with the keyword research and backlink generation (haven’t started doing it yet).

However, there are free alternatives.

There are tools for editing videos as well as for generating “almost human” voiceovers.

Of course, I think Video Wave is a better option if you can afford it, but it’s NOT mandatory.

Here are the free tools I recommend:

Video editors


Photos app that comes with Windows 10


Text to speech


Keyword research

Google’s Keyword Tool (you need to create a free AdWords account)

Social syndication (for backlink generation)

You can do it manually

I haven’t explained much about the keyword research and backlink generation yet, but will be covering it in the next updates!

I’ll also start working on the landing page for capturing leads in the next days and will share it here and explain the whole strategy in details.

For now, you just need to understand what type of videos I’ll be creating for implementing this method.


Video Marketing – First videos

This is a quick update to show the first videos that I created for the YouTube channel:

Click here to see the videos

As you can see, what I am doing is just getting simple articles and blog posts and turning them into videos. The content is nice and I am not really creating anything.

I’ll be doing another update real soon showing the tools that I am using as well as the keyword research process.

I am keeping everything very simple, but will show everything in a detailed way to ensure that you don’t miss anything important!