Tech Stuff

Geo-Redirection & VPN

CPA networks have something called “geo-redirection”. It’s a feature that protects their merchants.

Basically, the merchant will inform which countries they want traffic from and visitors from other locations will not be sent to the offer.

Therefore, if an offer allows US traffic only, anyone trying to access it from a different country will be redirected to another offer. If another offer isn’t available for that visitor, they’ll see an error message or will go to any general website (e.g.

This ensures that the merchant receives only traffic from the locations they’re interested in.

Many affiliates promote offers with SEO and other methods that can’t really ensure that only traffic from the correct locations will be sent to the offers. For this reason, the geo-redirection feature is important.

For you to view offers that are not available for your country, you can use a free online proxy that’s located in one of the allowed countries or use a VPN.

We use and recommend StrongVPN and NordVPN.

Tracking – BeMob

BeMob is one of the most popular tracking tools among CPA marketers.

The main reason why many marketers choose BeMob as their first tracking tools is because they have a free starting plan.

BeMob is a very good tool and you can definitely use it in the beginning to avoid an additional expense with tracking.

The goal of using a tracking tool is to monitor all elements of a campaign.

This is important when running CPA campaigns on many traffic sources.

Tracking your campaigns will allow you to determine where the conversions are coming from. It will allow you to find the best ads, landing pages, placements, etc.

At the end of the day, profitable CPA campaigns are nothing but combinations of efficient elements. And tracking can help you find those elements and combinations.

In general, before we set up a campaign on a traffic source, we configure a campaign on the tracking tool.

We do it by adding all the elements of our campaign to the tracker: traffic source, affiliate network, offer and landing page.

Then, we configure a campaign on the tracker and it will generate the links and pixel codes we will need to run the campaign and properly monitor/track it.

After configuring the tracker, we can set up the actual campaign on the traffic source.

What will happen is that the traffic source will send visitors to the tracker, which will redirect them to the landing page (or to the offer, in case of a direct-linking campaign).

Eventually, some visitors will click-through to the offer and will complete it (conversion). When it happens, the CPA network’s server will report a conversion to the tracker’s server. Thus, the tracker will know that a conversion has occurred and which ad, placement, landing page, etc have originated that conversion.

As you get more conversions, it will become clear which ads, placements, landing pages, etc are performing better, allowing you to remove the bad ones and increase the campaign ROI.

Now, let’s get started with the lessons!

What is tracking?

Why and when to track?

Basics of tracking

Introduction to BeMob

How to create a BeMob account

How to add a network

How to add a traffic source (Outbrain example)

Important: after you complete the process shown in the video above, your conversion on Outbrain will be showing the “not active” status. It will happen because you won’t have their pixel on a page, but the conversion will still work for server-to-server integration (it will be your case, BeMob’s server will communicate with Outbrain’s server). You can just ignore the not-active status.

How to add a traffic source (Taboola example)

How to add an offer

How to add a landing page

How to create a campaign (Outbrain example)

How to create a campaign (Taboola example)