Training Videos & Tutorials

How To Create CAs and LLAs

Here you’lllearn how you can use a smart technique to get better results with your campaigns.

Afer you run a few campaigns in the same niche, you’ll be able to create Custom Audiences (CA) and Lookalike Audiences (LLA) on Facebook.

The LLA will help you create more targeted campaigns that will generate more engagement and conversions.

Your task: after running a few campaigns in the same niche, set up your first CA and LLA.

You can click here to watch another video that may help you understand how to use LLAs to create more profitable campaigns.

How To Install your Facebook pixel

Your Facebook pixel will help you optimize your campaigns in the future.

By placing the FB pixel on your landing page, you’ll allow Facebook to collect information about your campaign that will help you achieve better results in the future.

In this video, you’ll learn how to configure and install your pixel.

You don’t have to worry about learning how to use it yet. You’ll learn this in further lessons.

However, you should install it now so that it will be collecting data as you run your campaign.

Your task: set up your Facebook pixel and install it on your landing page.

You can watch another video about the Facebook pixel by clicking here.