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The “Money-Freebie” Method

Welcome to this VIP training module!

Here you’ll learn a powerful method that will allow you to promote CPA offers with an extraordinary ROI at the same time that you build highly responsive email lists.

1 – Overview

In this video you’ll learn the basics of the method and will understand the unique twist that makes this strategy so powerful.
It’s so efficient and so simple that you’ll be wondering how you never thought of this before!

2 – Offer Selection

This method allows us to promote a variety of offers. However,you can still go wrong with your choices.
This video will show you how to pick the best offers to run your first campaigns.

3 – Back-End Set Up

When using this method, you’ll be capturing emails.
The magic happens after people opt-in, so the process you have on the back-end of your campaign is essential to make it profitable.

Resources mentioned in the video:
Facebook ads module
Facebook lesson on targeting and angle
List building training
Bulding follow up sequences lesson
Video on how to use Zapier (below on this page)

4 – Killer Creative

In this video you’ll learn how to create killer ads.
The truth is that any process will fail if you don’t have good ads and know how to execute it right.
This video is very important and will help you achieve great results as well as avoid technical complexities.

Resources mentioned in the video:
PixlR tutorial (below on this page)
Sample ad 1
Sample ad 2

5 – Lead Campaign Set Up

This video will show you how to effectively set up a lead campaign on Facebook.
It’s important that you follow the right steps to avoid technical issues that may lead to unnecessary losses.

Resource mentioned in the video:
Facebook campaign set up lesson

6 – Optimization

This video will show you how you can optimize your campaigns with the “Money-Freebie Method”.
The optimization is always a key stage for any type of campaign, so make sure not toskip this lesson!

Resources mentioned in the video:
Facebook optimization lesson
Email marketing optimization lesson

Extra – PixlR

Extra – Zapier