Conversion Tracking

Sold Out Forums Community Conversion Tracking

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  • #4270
    Alex Nathan

    Hi everyone!
    Right, silly question time.
    I’ve run a couple of MaxBounty offers on Outbrain and have had plenty clicks through to my landing pages and then clicks through to the offer.
    However, there’s been no conversions/commissions.
    I’m fine with this as the amount of clicks to to the offers are pretty small, but I guess i just want to make sure that the tracking is set up properly.
    I’m not paying for a tracker at this point and not got Postback URL set up, but my question is, should be affiliate URL be enough on it’s own to track a conversion in MaxBounty?
    Does that make sense?
    Many thanks!

    Support Staff

    Hi Alex,
    For running native ad campaigns you’ll need a tracker.
    You can use BeMob’s free plan, so it won’t be an additional expense.
    However, direct linking without a tracker wouldn’t work, because even if you were already getting conversions, you wouldn’t know where they’d be coming from (publisher, GEO, OS, etc).
    Here’ s module on tracking:


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