CPA Lander not loading

Sold Out Forums Community CPA Lander not loading

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  • #3384
    Mansour Ghaemi

    I created some Landers using the software but none of the landers load when I click the hyperlinks on them in “My Pages” dashboard.
    Obviously  I mean the Lander ITSELF ( not the affiliate link in it which sometimes does not load due to my location)
    I waited a while thinking it might take some time to populate on your server, but no avail.
    what am I doing wrong here?

    Support Staff

    Hi Mansour,
    Please, send a support request to including the links of the pages that are not working for you. Also, please, go to “My Pages” and take a screenshot of that page and send it by email, too.
    We will assist you with the issue asap.

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