Sold Out Forums Community CPC

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by Kenneth Croushore.
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  • #3832

    So it looks like I need to be around .11 per click to be profitable.
    My CTR at the ad level (6%+) and at the ad to LP level and at the commission level are solid.
    It’s just at the payout for my campaign is $2.40 which doesn’t leave much room.
    What is the central issue for to get the CPC to go from .18 to below .12?

    Support Staff

    Hi Kenneth,
    It’s hard to answer this question without more details. If you submit a campaign analysis request I’ll be able to assist you better.
    First, you need to see if it’s the link click CTR or the CTR (all) that’s at 6%. The link click CTR is more relevant for traffic campaigns.
    Second, you should consider the conversion rate and LP CTR. I normally consider anything below 30% as a low landing page CTR, but many landers give me way more than that (60% – 75%). If the LP CTR or the conversion rate are too low, it may be an issue with the targeting or a matter of split-testing other offers.
    Another factor is the placement that you’re using (it may be possible to use a cheaper one). Another one if the time the ad has been running, because ads that keep a good CTR for more days tend to lower the CPC over time.
    That’s why a campaign analysis request would allow me to give you more precise advice.


    Makes sense.  The campaign needs more time.  Thus far the LP CTR is running at 80%.  I just think it needs to mature, then we can see what shows next.

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