Facebook Ad Account* What Path Should I Take?

Sold Out Forums Community Facebook Ad Account* What Path Should I Take?

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  • #2758
    Andrew MacDonald

    Hello CPA Evo Family 😉
    I’m in the process of creating my ad account for facebook… Idk what path to choose, should i use a personal account or a business account using my person information, and at a later date actually register my cpa business.. The 2nd option feels like a clear winner here!!
    I am curious what my fellow students are doing 🙂 ?
    P.s. I hope the conversions are sky high for you guys!!!

    Support Staff

    Hi Andrew,
    The best is actually to use a personal account.
    I suggest that you only use a business account if you have a registered business.
    It’s been hard to verify business accounts with personal documents recently, so better just go with a personal account right away.

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