How is it going everyone?

Sold Out Forums Community How is it going everyone?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by Lynette Dominguez.
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    Lynette Dominguez

    So, I just signed up a few days ago, finished the Basic Training, signed up for all the affiliate networks, and started the paid training.  So I’m just getting ready to start my first campaigns as soon as I get approval from the CPA networks.  
    Meanwhile, I just wanted to say hi and start a thread where everyone could share how they are doing.  What has been your biggest hurdle, how long did it take you to start making money, what was your most rewarding moment as you started your campaigns, etc.


    Hi Lynette
    I started a couple of weeks ago and ran my first campaigns soon after.  I have one campaign right now with a couple of conversions, which is great.  It’s not profitable so I submitted a campaign analysis request per the instructions in the support section.  Once I hear back, I’m looking forward to trying other campaigns I have line up.  Good luck!

    Greg Ackers

    My most rewarding moment was my first profitable day. It took me 3 weeks and $400 to get there. I still have negative days, but I made $900 last month and I’m at $2,500 profit this month. Super excited!

    Lynette Dominguez

    Wow Greg, that is awesome!  3 weeks and $400 doesn’t sound bad at all!  Congratulations on a great month!  How long ago did you start this program?  Your results are super encouraging!

    Lynette Dominguez

    Kenneth, if you’ve only been at it a couple of weeks, it still sounds like you’re definitely headed in the right direction!  I hope to get my first campaign live this week, and fingers crossed I’ll see something profitable within a couple weeks after that.

    Support Staff

    Nice thread, Lynette!
    And thanks for sharing your results, Kenneth and Greg!


    I joined still in the 2.0 version, but got distracted with other things.
    I returned to the training in November and found my first profitable campaign a few days ago. $750 profit so far. This is not the first time I make money online, but it’s my first success with paid ads, which will allow me to scale fast with William’s help.
    I’ll share more updates here soon.

    Support Staff

    Awesome, David! Let’s keep working together on your campaigns and we will soon achieve even better results!


    I’ve been telling myself that I should come here and share my story for about 2 or 3 months now. The problem is that it’s easy to forget that others are still struggling and need an incentive when we are celebrating our own victories. But this thread is my chance to finally share my results and experience with CPA marketing.
    I joined CPA Evolution more than a year ago, but I wasn’t new to internet marketing. I had already had some success with dropshipping, but it was impossible to maintain and I was looking for something more sustainable. I remember that my first 2 or 3 campaigns were total failures, but William continued to assist me and I found my first profitable campaign after a month or so. I was able to make my investment in the program and in the failed campaigns back with that one, but it wasn’t a big campaign.
    After that, I ran a few more campaigns and found other profitable ones, but I only hit a home run a few months later when William launched CPA Fiery. That training was amazing, exactly what I needed. I was making some money, but that new training allowed me to understand how to scale what I was doing.
    To make a long story short, I’ve been a member of CPA Evolution for about a year and a member of CPA Fiery for 7 months and I’ve made almost $150,000 net in this period. We see many marketers showing half-million-dollar screenshots and I don’t know how cool my number looks or if it looks cool at all, considering that I’ve been doing this for a year. But I can guarantee to anyone reading this that seeing $10,000 every single month on your bank account is a lot more fun than seeing tons of $100K screenshots from someone else’s account.
    This program is the first one that has allowed me to achieve this kind of results. I’m seriously thinking about doing this full-time for the first time since I got started with internet marketing. My current results would allow me to quit my job, but I’m a father of two, so you know…
    I hope that my story helps you, Lynette, and others who are in the beginning of their journey to feel more motivated. My first failed campaigns almost made me give up, I got very close to making a decision that would’ve never allowed me to be here writing this today. Hopefully, my story will help you stay focused if you come across the same challenge.

    Lynette Dominguez

    Wow, thank you Zach, you story is absolutely inspiring!!   I am working to get through the videos and training as quickly as I can so I can start putting offers live, I know from past experience that if I don’t keep moving and progressing, my passion/fire starts to wane and I slip into non-action.  That said, I just returned from a 4 day business trip that mostly kept me away from my progress, but I’m back at it hard and heavy today.  I got my CPA network approvals and I’m hoping to get my first campaigns up in the next couple of days – so if I do get frustrated or feel like giving up, I will come back and re-read your story for inspiration, thank you.
    One question, what is CPA Fiery?  I don’t think I’ve heard of that?

    Support Staff

    Thank you for such a great (and detailed) post, Zach!
    Most people never take the time to share their results and help others, so I really appreciate your willingness to do it.
    @Lynette – CPA Fiery is a more advanced training that we released a few weeks ago. It was a 7 day seminar on advanced CPA strategies and tools. We’re planning a second edition or will be making the recording of the first edition available soon. But don’t worry, it’s kind of a second step that you should consider after implementing the methods in the CPA Evolution program. What Zach did (to start with CPA Evolution and use CPA Fiery for scaling the campaigns) is a great way to build a solid CPA business!

    Mitchell Howell

    @Zach, your post is really inspiring. What path did you start out with in CPA Evolution, Facebook? 

    @Lynette – welcome and good luck with your CPA journey

    Lynette Dominguez

    Thanks Mitchell!  How long have you been at this, and how are things going for you?


    Whats the price of CPA Fiery and whats the difference to CPA Evolution and CPA Evolution VIP.
    Which product is better to scale very fast to 4 figures? It don’t matter which niche or something like that.
    Its about making money. Thank you very much.

    Support Staff

    @Manuel – Check my reply to Lynette above to see what CPA Fiery is and how it compares to CPA Evolution. CPA Fiery isn’t available now, but we will make it available again soon.

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