Is it ok to start with 2-3 different niche for our fist set of campaigns?

Sold Out Forums Community Is it ok to start with 2-3 different niche for our fist set of campaigns?

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  • #3037
    Marisa Drake

    Is it ok to run campaigns in 2-3 different niches at the begining so we guage which is the best niche for us to focus our efforts on? After running my first campaign, I’m starting to see that it’s probably not the best niche as it may be more challenging to target audience.  So I’m thinking of running more ads in different niches to see which ones may get better results. Would this be ok or would it be too confusing for newbies to keep track?

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    Yes, you can run campaigns in different niches to see which one you’ll prefer.
    I think that discarding a niche based on your very first campaign (not only in that niche, but your first CPA campaign ever) may be a bit premature, but, yes, testing different possibilities and choosing the one you prefer is certainly not a problem.

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