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    Hi there, Rayasam Sridhar here,  after quitting being exec in Qualcomm, working with Apple and Samsung, in 2017, I went in circles in online business – It is hard to weather the Marketing winds and Shiny and S*xy objects in this field!!

    I ran FB ads to some finacial companies, with double digit conversions, but never built a serious life style business yet.
    I am a gallup coach, goolge certified digital marketer, techie, HANDS ON on SMTP/Servers etc., wrote sales copies that convert like hell.
    It is time to create a serious 7 figure business in year or two.
    I like Willian saying, let’s shake CPA world and CPA is real business.
    Want to make friends with well intented, competent and postive people and enjoy the journey and create real impacts to self, family and clients – 
    All the best to you!
    ~Rayasam Sridhar

    Support Staff

    Welcome to our CPA team, Rayasam!
    That’s an awesome background and I’m sure you’ll soon be shaking the CPA world!

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