Moral Support Needed

Sold Out Forums Community Moral Support Needed

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  • #2491

    Hi all,
    Happy new year.
    Need some moral support please. I’m on my knees.
    Been trying to make it online for over 20 years. Last year or so been trying to sell chatbots, after a good start. But just can’t  get it to work.
    Bought CPA Evolution before Christmas as a way out, after dismissing many other equally expensive products. Really like William Souza and trust him, and I’m excited by this programme.
    Before Christmas we moved house, and I had to take a job which is sucking the life out of me. It’s taken all my time from me, and I’m broke, until commissions start coming in, which will come in on the basis of my trying to forget this massive pressure I’m under and trying to act positive enough to sell cars in this new job.
    As a last ditch attempt yesterday, I emailed nearly 800 contacts/leads selling the chatbots, in the hope I could pick up some customers to give me some income. I got 2 replies, 1 telling me to f@“& off.
    I’m absolutely devastated. My last avenue is is to throw myself into William’s programme, which I believe in.
    I guess I need some moral support that if I follow the instructions, and give it my all, I’m on the right track with this programme.
    I will source and put by money to invest in this, with paid advertising. I really want to make this work.
    I hope you all have started the new year with a bang and I look forward to swapping successful surprises with you all.

    Support Staff

    Hi Scott,
    I’m sorry to hear about the struggles you’ve been going through.
    Many people have started their CPA businesses in similar sitautions and have managed to achieve great results.
    I believe that anything is possible with focus and dedication.
    And, of course, I’ll be happy to assist you in your CPA journey.
    Keep me posted when you start working on your campaigns and I’ll help you make the most of the program.


    Scott, I believe in your success, stay put man!!

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